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Joe Vallender

Sift Media

Production Manager


HR Zone Members Newswire #66 – Dreamers yearn for £37k


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 66
21 September 2004

1. Dreamers yearn for GDP 37k
2. Childbearers face discrimination
3. Employment Relations Bill gets Royal Assent
4. Feature: Understanding emotional intelligence
5. Any Answers: Cosmetic surgery time off

Editor’s note
Hot foot back from honeymoon, I have taken the plunge and taken
on my new surname! So it’s still me, albeit with a new

This week’s newswire is packed with the latest news including
findings that far from dreaming of lottery-style salaries, most
workers yearn for a modest GDP 37,000 per year. Something that
might not afford the expense of cosmetic surgery which is
perplexing Ruth Queen who is unsure whether to allow her
employee to take this as sick leave.

Scroll down to find out more ….


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Member’s news

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Farrar; BUPA; Citizens Advice; Peninsula Business Services;
Newcastle International Airport; QED Consulting; Unilever;
Argos; CIPD; Hedley Hydraulics Ltd; Pivotal Technologies Inc;

Tesco; Birmingham Post & Mail; Surrey Police; HRC; Skillset;
Croner Consulting; William Hill; Foreign & Commonwealth Office;
Pinnacle Insurance plc; Apex Roofing; Causeway Technologies Ltd;
British Medical Association; Integrity Recruitment; Vizualhr;
Optimus Consulting; Towers Perrin; NHS

Dreamers yearn for GDP 37k
The new ‘dream salary’ is GDP 37,000 per year according to
findings from the Alliance & Leicester and money is never far
from our thoughts says the report.

Childbearers face discrimination
More than four-fifths of HR professionals believe that employers
think twice before employing women of ‘childbearing age’.

Employment Relations Bill gets Royal Assent
Royal Assent has been bestowed upon the Employment Relations
Bill which aims to update trade union and employment law.

Feature: New minimum disciplinary and grievance procedures
In a new series contributed by solicitors Bevans, James Taylor
describes the principles that will govern disciplinary and
grievance procedures from 1 October 2004.

Feature: Understanding emotional intelligence
Michael Massey, head of EQ Leadership Solutions and author of
‘The Knowledge: How to be an Effective and Emotionally
Intelligent Leader’ looks at the theory behind EI and its
implications for leadership skills.

Anthony Robbins – Unleash The Power Within
If you do today exactly what you did yesterday then you can
expect tomorrow to be as disappointing as today was or maybe you
could change your life forever. See Anthony Robbins live. Click
here for a special offer for HR Zone members

Featured Any Answers question: Sickness

Q: We have an IT contractor on a six month contract with an IT
agency. This contract has just expired and I would like him to
contract direct with me. We have used this contractor for three
years now via the agency and feel it is time to offer a direct
IT contract on a per project basis. Will either of us be taken
to court?

Denise Hudson

Members’ responses
(Edited comments appear – see the site for full details)

I do not think you can employ this guy ‘on a direct contract’
basis. His previous service with you complicates the contractual
relationship you can form with him directly. You can take him as
an employee but I would advise seeking legal advice.

Paul Strange

Most agencies would have a “finders fee” of some sort built into
the contract. This normally applies to new introductions and
people who go from agency to permanent as well. This is a major
source of income for many agencies and not something they will
give up lightly. However I have also seen/negotiated a number of
arrangements where if an agency temp works for me for 12 months
(or sometimes 18) then there is no fee payable. Do you have such
an arrangement?

Rowan Fothergill

Read the full responses to this question – and add your own – at

Any Answers
Any Answers is the place to go to share your professional
experiences with others. A selection of new Any Answers
questions posted this week:

Time off for cosmetic surgery? Ruth Queen would like to know if
anyone has handled a similar situation.

Dispute resolution amended procedures – can anyone share these?

Army reservists – what benefits are appropriate?

Any Answers answered: Fuel benefits
Q – My employer said that I would only be expected to pay my own
fuel for high mileage private trips. He is now saying that any
private mileage over a nominal figure (10 miles per week was
quoted) should be paid for personally. Can he do this? If so,
how do I avoid the full tax charge which assumes all my private
mileage is paid for?
Alex Sinclair

A – Employers are not required to provide any fuel at all for
private journeys, so they can put any restrictions they wish on
this. It’s all down to what’s in your contract of employment. I
would recommend that you ask your employer to put in writing
exactly what fuel will be paid for, so you both know where you
stand. As for the tax situation, the rules say that you must pay
the full charge if your employer provides any free fuel for
private use. How much fuel is provided is not relevant. See
Inland Revenue booklet IR172. One point to consider is
that if your employer really is only going to provide fuel for
10 miles a week, then the tax charge will far exceed the value
of the fuel you get and you would be better off to tell your
employer you don’t want the fuel paid for at all!
Neil Tonks

If you have a question – or can offer an answer – go to

Subscription Information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing
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and select the “My Newswires” link. Simply tick the wires you
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Joe Vallender

Production Manager

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