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HR Zone’s Jobs Directory Help Page


Our Job Vacancies Directory offers you great functionality. A few moments spent reviewing these Help features will enable you to get the maximum value from this service.

How to search for a job vacancy

There are six ways of searching:

  1. To see all current contracts, just click Search.
  2. To list contracts by Type (e.g. Permanent, Temporary, Part-time) select a Type and then click Search.
  3. To search for all vacancies containing your choice of keyword, enter a Keyword and click Search.
  4. To list all vacancies above a Minimum Salary, select the Minimum and click Search.
  5. To list all vacancies below a Maximum Salary, select the Maximum and click Search.
  6. To list all vacancies in a particular Region of the UK, select a Region and click Search.

Please note: you can search using just one or more of these options – do you not need to select from each box.

How to apply for a job vacancy

On each vacancy you will find a link to 'Further Information and Apply Online'. Depending on the information provided by the recruiter, you will be able to see their name, phone, fax, and send them your details.

How to add your vacancies

There is a factsheet and an online form for adding your own job vacancies. To add a vacancy you need to be logged in or registered (free); this is necessary to protect your security and privacy and prevents other people changing your vacancies.

How to edit or delete your vacancies

Job vacancies are made invisible after 28 days. You can list and edit your published vacancies at any time.

How to be notified by email about new vacancies

You can set up any number of personal alerts which will notify you by email when a new vacancy is added; you can choose to be notified about vacancies which match your Type, Salary, Keyword, Region (or any combination of these). To create an alert you need to be logged in or registered (free); this is necessary to protect your security and privacy and prevents other people changing your alerts. You can edit or delete your alerts at any time.

Where can I publish Contracts and Tenders?

On our Contracts and Tenders pages!

Thanks – I'm ready now!

Take me back to the Jobs Directory to start searching.


Take me on the Contracts and Tenders area instead.

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