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Learning Styles


In any population what might be the expected/average/normal distribution between activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists.
Please quote sources of research
ian minards

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3 Responses

  1. peter honey
    Yes, Peter Honey has norms.

    There is also similar data from Kolb’s study on learning styles in his Facilitator’s Guide to Learning, p68 (Hay Group 2000)


  2. Ask Peter Honey
    I agree with Michael’s comments. It depends greatly on the population you are considering. We used the Honey and Mumford Learning Preferences instrument extensively at Sundridge Park Management centre and there was a great variation between groups of, for example marketing managers and general managers or heads of R&D departments. As I recall, Peter Honey has data on norms for different groups. Why not ask him?

  3. Learning Styles
    It depends, I think, on the nature of the ‘population’.

    There is likely to be a preponderance of styles in given kinds of work.

    There are many variables and modifiers.
    Activists, for example, might find manual (womanual?) labour more appealing.
    Reflectors might be drawn more toward work requiring reflection – accountancy?

    An introspective reflector might welcome intellectually unchallenging work so that s/he can indulge in some navel gazing.
    An activist, on the other hand, might find talky team meetings tiresome and demand some action, “Let’s GET ON WITH IT!”

    When training managers, team leaders, or teachers, I introduce the styles as the four equally weighted entry points of a learning cycle, which ‘primes’ delegates to accept the value and validity of each style and encourages them to practice and increase their awareness of and competence in their less well-developed modes.

    By determining the preferred style(s) of the people they teach or manage, teachers and trainers can structure lessons and exercises with respect to the preferences.
    For example I devise exercises that help people to practice their less developed modes.
    Managers can assess and delegate appropriately to the current and desired levels of professional and personal development.

    Plans, projects and tasks can be allocated according the skills and inclinations of individuals, and people can paired or grouped, in training or at work, to support and encourage each other and even to act as mentors or coaches.
    In training terms, of course, exercises can easily be designed so that people can model other people’s styles to increase awareness and develop and perhaps to develop competence and confidence in more styles.

    Although, in Theory, I assume you’d find this interesting, I Reflected on whether to send it because it’s not what you asked.
    Then, since I’d written it anyway, it seemed Pragmatic to take Action – so here it is!


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