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Annie Hayes




Life Coach at Large: Going round in circles with work/life balance … continued


Draw a large circle on a blank piece of paper. Within that circle draw two further circles, so you have a small centre circle, a medium sized inner circle and a large outer ring.

Separate your circle into eight segments and name them on the outside. Work, money, health, friends and family, partner, personal growth, fun and recreation and home. (Feel free to add some of your own if they don’t fit with you).

On the inner wheel score how you feel about that particular part of your life. One being, couldn’t be worse, ten being couldn’t be better.

On the central wheel define the different roles you play in that particular area of your life, like wife, mother, husband, Director, ethics committee chairman etc.

In the outer circle attach a percentage figure to how much time you spend on that particular area of your life. In a percentage figure attach a figure which tells how important it is to you in your life.

Now ask yourself the following questions:

Is the amount of time I am spending more or less compared to how important it is to me:

  • If I spent less time what would happen?

  • If I spent more time what would happen?

There are many other questions you could ask and no doubt you will find goals you would like to achieve.

Good luck with it. The idea is to find a balance which suits you, your life and those around you to achieve everything you want and can. Your potential.

If you know an organisation who would benefit from group work/life balance training and coaching please contact me on T: 0845 257 1937 or see my web site

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Annie Hayes


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