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Lincolnshire Diversity Day – Conference Programme


0900 – Registration and refreshments

0930 – Welcome and Introductions

Dr Cheryle Berry
Director of Education and Cultural Services
Lincolnshire County Council

0945 – “Achieving a diverse workforce”

Ian Harris
District Manager
Lincolnshire and Rutland Employtment Service

1030 – Refreshments

1100 – “The legal background to Equal Opportunities/Diversity and Latest Developments”

Mary Clarke
Employment Law Specialist, DLA Advance

1130 – “The Business Reasons for Diversity Action”

Amanda Jones
Head of Business Excellence, Barclays Bank

1215 – Lunch

1315 – First Workshop

1415 – Refreshments

1445 – Second Workshop

1545 – 1615 Plenary Session and Close

Diversity Day Introduction

Workshop Details

Price Details

Booking form for post or fax

Contact the Conference Organisers – Lincolnshire Equal Opportunities Reference Group

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