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Management consultancies are ahead in e-business


A new survey published today reveals that the management consultancy sector is one of a number in the UK already feeling the benefits of e-commerce in major aspects of their business.

The survey, commissioned by the DTI and conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, was carried out to assess the impact of e-commerce in the sector.

It shows that management consultancies are advanced in their use of e-commerce technology.

The key findings show:

  • A high take-up rate of client facing e-commerce technology, including 100% of firms with external e-mail, 84% with websites and over half (excluding micro-firms) with intranets;
  • 68% of firms indicate that e-commerce has led to improvements in service provision;
  • 66% stated that e-commerce has had a positive impact on productivity.

The companies surveyed also confirmed that this technology is transforming the way they do business. Examples include an increase in the provision of financing of e-ventures such as incubators and in strategic alliances, particularly with IT firms.

Douglas Alexander, Minister for E-commerce and Competitiveness, welcomed the survey’s findings. He said, “These companies have made good progress in adopting e-commerce and developing e-business solutions. But there is no room for complacency. Confidence, vision, and creating the right management culture are key to identifying new opportunities and ensuring that a company can seize the competitive advantage.”

The surveys were developed following the publication of the Performance and Innovation Unit report on e-commerce – “”. The report recommended a series of sector-specific e-commerce impact assessments be undertaken to identify opportunities, threats, and barriers in each sector.

The report is part of a DTI programme that is examining more than thirty key business sectors in the UK.

The purpose of the studies is to assist the DTI to accelerate the take-up of e-commerce and therefore further the Department’s overall competitiveness agenda.

Mr Alexander said, “Our research is central to the Government’s aim of making the UK the best place in the world for e-commerce. It highlights the major issues which most businesses need to address if they are to remain competitive in the modern high technology world .”

Copies of the report are available at the following web address:

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