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Member wire #90 – It pays to see Red


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 90
15 March 2005

1. Editor’s Comment: The Vox Pop of Volunteerism
2. What does HR leadership offer you?
3. Colborn’s Corner: The 2005 Election
4. The Couch?! It pays to see Red
5. Any Answers: car allowances, E-HR, maternity rights

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Flexing your financial muscles

IRS Employment Review: Performing the pay gamble

HRD 2005, 12-14 April, Olympia, London. Pre-Register now!

Receive a one week free trial to Consult GEE

Shared services week 2005, 18 – 19th May, The Celtic Manor, Wales

Editor’s note
A picture says a thousand words …

If you’d like to see the Couch?! team sporting a set of shiny
red noses then just click here:

HRZone would like to know what you got up to in aid of Comic
Relief and just how ridiculous you looked – so please send us
your most amusing pictures. We’ll award 10 pounds for
hilarious submissions and 5 pounds for general silliness.

So get emailing now and while you’re in the mood for ‘charidee’
then see the latest Editor’s Comment which takes a rather more
sober look at the concepts of volunteerism.

Have your say at:


Annie Hayes


Flexing your financial muscles
Quantifying the financial advantages of Flex can bring
employers – as well as employees – huge financial advantages.
What are these advantages and how can they be quantified?
Aon Consulting’s flex checklist highlights 7 key financial
benefits…and pinpoints how employers can reap flex’s rewards.

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

GoodCorporation Ltd; Ceridian Centrefile; Scratch Consulting
Ltd; Harris Systems Limited; Foreign and Commonwealth Office;
BUPA UKM; Mercer; HumanTechnics; Crawley Borough Council;
Scottish Prison Service; Charles Russell; Associated Board of
the Royal Schools of Music; Department for Culture, Media and
Sport; In 2 HR; Goldman Sachs; Zurich Financial Services; David
Shoesmith; DP Consulting; Courts & Co; BearingPoint; Factiva

IRS Employment Review: Performing the pay gamble
Merit-based pay rewards staff for performance, triggers
motivation and may help to control wage costs. Few
organisations, however, recognise the link between pay and
performance. See our latest round-up of pay rewards and examine
the benefits and pitfalls of paying for performance. Click here
for further information.

Editor’s Choice

Editor’s Comment: The Vox Pop of Volunteerism
YV05 or the year of the ‘volunteer’ has been designed to give
fresh impetus to the importance and benefits of encouraging
employers and individuals to take an active part in the local
community; Editor’s Comment seeks out popular opinion about the

HR leadership elite series: what does HR leadership offer you?
In his second series for HR Zone, Paul Kearns an outspoken
critic of HR practices that cannot clearly demonstrate the value
they add to organisations, looks at leadership and asks why do
we need HR leaders and what’s in it for professionals in the

Colborn’s Corner: The 2005 Election
Quentin Colborn, an independent HR consultant kick starts his
new series – ‘Colborn’s Corner’ with a pundit’s view on what a
2005 General Election might mean for the HR function.

HRD 2005, 12-14 April, Olympia, London. Pre-Register now!
CIPD’s Learning, Training and Development Conference and
HRD exhibition is the largest of its kind and no other event
offers such a diverse range of learning, training, and
development products and services. With hundreds of exhibitors
it is the perfect opportunity to benchmark key suppliers.
Find out more:

Top news stories

Scrap NIC increase, says business group
A group representing 25,000 small to medium-sized firms has
called for a one per cent increase in national insurance
contributions to be reversed.

Staff recognise training and performance link
Nearly all workers believe that training is helping them do
their jobs better, according to a new survey by the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Women ‘better’ leaders
Women are more likely to have the leadership characteristics
essential for high performance in today’s workplace, a new study

Holiday hangover accepted
Bosses are more generous about letting staff carry over unused
leave into the next holiday period then is commonly thought.

Women shatter ‘union’ glass ceiling
The proportion of women working in trade unions is now 29.3%
compared to 29.4% of men, say official statistics from the
Labour Force Survey.

Receive a one week free trial to Consult GEE
Save time on policy and contract creation with Consult GEE
Document Builder. Create policies online in an instant and
receive updates when legislation changes. Make policy decisions
with our series of legal, best practice and guidance notes to
ensure your company complies. Click here for more information.


The Couch?! It pays to see Red
Inspired by Comic Relief’s ‘Big Hair and Beyond Day,’ The
Couch?! wants to hear about the crazy things you have got up to
for charity.

Shared services week 2005, 18 – 19th May, The Celtic Manor, Wales
Enhance customer service and culture – Retain staff – Utilise HR
technology. The one-stop solution for all of your Shared
Services needs – whatever stage of your journey you’re at. For
further information or to book online visit:

Any Answers
Any Answers is the place to go to share your professional
experiences with others. A selection of new Any Answers
questions posted this week:

Norris Zena is benchmarking car allowances – what’s your policy?

What is E-HR? How does it help?

Maternity rights for part-time fixed term contractor: What are
the rules?

Subscription Information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing

Update your subscriptions by visiting the Profile page and
selecting the “My Services” link.
To unsubscribe click:

Unsubscribing can currently take up to 14 days to process.
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HR Zone, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 117 915 3344 Fax:+44 117 915 9630

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