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Annie Hayes




New HR research centre opened


Manpower and the London School of Economics have teamed up to launch a new research centre for HR.

The Manpower HR Lab aims to establish a leading centre for the study and analysis of the impact of human resource and labour market decisions and trends on productivity at corporate, national and global levels.

To do this, it will link innovative data analysis carried out by some of Europe’s leading labour market experts to the practical world of business management. It also has an international network of research associates including US-based labour market economists.

Research findings will be conveyed and discussed via regular industry briefings, an annual conference and a Manpower Lab Working Paper series.

The Lab’s first projects will centre on areas of organisational flexibility, lifelong learning and the skills and labour market.

Professor Steve Machin, who will head the Manpower HR Lab, said: “The establishment of the Manpower HR Lab is a significant contribution to the development of talent management research at LSE and we are looking forward to working with Manpower as an industry partner.

“The first year will conclude with a working conference and will offer the opportunity for practitioners, academics and policy makers to come together and share both theoretical analysis and industry experience with the Lab’s research findings.”

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Annie Hayes


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