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New research tools access for the education (and training) community


CHEST and ISI ResearchSoft announced an agreement to offer site-wide licences to Higher Education Sites, Further Education Sites, Research Councils and selected Associated Sites in the United Kingdom (UK) for EndNote®, ProCite® and Reference Manager®, bibliographic software tools for researchers, students and librarians.

The software is also likely to be of interest to members of the training community wishing to access the latest research.

Under the agreement, CHEST institutions can subscribe to site-wide licences for any combination of these software programmes for a three-year term. Subscribing institutions may install the software on any institution-owned or operated computer while individual members may also purchase a personal licence for installation on computers not owned or operated by that institution, including home use. As an ISI ResearchSoft authorised distributor in the UK, Adept Scientific will provide customer service and technical support related to this agreement.

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