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Post Training evaluation


We provide training in our organisation. After a certain period of time we evaluate the same for measuring the impact of the same.
Especially in Mangement training we find it hard to evalute the impact of training after a certain period of time
Kindly suggest any means of evaluation which is effective and measures the impact of training.
Currently what we follow is more kind of exam of the trainee on what was taught and how they follow .If any suggestion for tangible measure of results, please suggest me .

neeraj singh

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One Response

  1. first – found out what you want to measure!
    I’ve often come across the difficulty in determining the difference between ‘assessing’ and ‘evaluating.’ Assessing is about measuring attainment, evaluation is about measuring the value of an intervention. If you express your training content in terms of its aims and objectives, you’ll get a clearer picture of what you want to achieve through training. Evaluation should be both, formative – ongoing, and sumative- at the end of training interventions. An appraisal system should give you evidence of the value of training to a trainee. Otherwise, we would be glad to provide this service to you! Contact for more guidance!

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