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Annie Hayes




Public sector re-focuses training efforts


There is a move towards motivational training in the public sector, according to training materials provider Video Arts.

The company says that many organisations are re-focusing their training resources in the wake of two recent reports on the health of the public sector – the Gershon review of efficiency and Lyons review of re-location.

Having analysed their public sector sales since 2002, Video Arts report that over the last three years motivational and behavioural training programmes have started outselling those on equal opportunities and managing absenteeism, among its public sector clients.

Martin Addison, director of Video Arts said: “We are already seeing the knock-on effects of the Gershon and Lyons reviews on public sector training patterns.

“Generally speaking, when people, and indeed entire organisations, are uncertain of their future it leads to anxiety, aimlessness and a decrease in productivity. Many of our public sector customers have noticed this dip in morale and are taking positive steps to combat it through inspirational training.”

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Annie Hayes


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