Aberdeen report: The real value of pre-hire assessments

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According to a recent study by Aberdeen Group, Best-in-Class organisations were 36% more likely than All Others (85% vs. 54%) to use assessments in the pre-hire stage, and to drive a constant information flow in the hiring process.

Download the full report to understand what the Best-in-Class organisations are doing to identify the best talent and integrate them into their organisation. 

Aberdeen report: The real value of pre-hire assessments

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EASYRECRUE is a SaaS platform of talent pre-screening applications. EASYRECRUE opened its doors in 2013, and now as Europe's leading provider of pre-screening solutions, we offer a suite of cutting-edge digital solutions to assist recruitment professionals with the applicant pre-screening and short-listing process. Based on our firm conviction that technology and recruitment go hand in hand, we aim to take pressure off human recruiters by putting technology at the heart of the recruitment process.

We give applicants a chance to shine while providing you with the means to delve deeper into their career experience and understand what makes them tick. Our qualitative approach to applicant pre-screening is also based on a principle of boosting performance while reducing the costs and time spent on recruitment. Our platform includes pre-recorded video interviewing, live video interviewing, and language assessment tools.


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