Cut through the clutter of confusing paid sick leave laws

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The number of paid sick leave laws has more than doubled in the past few years. As of January 1, 2017, more than 30 municipalities have passed paid sick leave laws affecting private employers in locations from Spokane, Washington to Montgomery County, Maryland and everywhere in between. Other states, including Michigan and Indiana, have banned these types of municipal paid sick leave laws.

Managing multiple employees, across multiple locations, with varied pay rates and scheduled hours is challenging. HR pros in this environment must ensure adherence to a myriad of laws—paid sick leave laws are among the most complex. This whitepaper will provide HR professionals with the detailed information they need now to cut through the complexity and ensure compliance. Download to learn:

  • Which states and municipalities now require paid sick leave
  • What size/type of companies need to comply with these requirements
  • Which employees are eligible for paid sick leave
  • The permissible reasons employees can take leave
  • The rules around notification, documentation, accrual and carryover of paid sick leave

And more…

It’s safe to say that the paid sick leave landscape is murky. For employers with staff located in multiple states or jurisdictions, monitoring and complying with these changes can be extremely daunting because of the varied requirements from state to state or city to city.

Don’t leave your compliance with widely varying paid sick leave laws to chance. Get the up-to-date information you need by downloading this free whitepaper.

What you'll learn


XpertHR helps build successful workforces by providing practical tools, authoritative insights and agile HR solutions from the global to the municipal level, so your business can always stay a step ahead. Our solutions help your HR team implement and deliver on strategic business goals, which in turn creates greater efficiency, lowers risk exposure and increases employee engagement. XpertHR can also help your organization achieve consistency in policies, reduce time and costs associated with outside counsel. Empower your teams to feel confident in their decisions, and allow them to spend less time searching for answers and more time working with your people.

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