How data can transform employee benefits to deliver future engagement

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Data has the potential to transform your employee benefits programme – information around uptake and engagement offers you a unique opportunity to understand people’s drivers, aspirations, personal circumstances and interests, and create highly personalised packages that attract, engage, motivate and retain them.

This whitepaper looks at the challenges and opportunities for HR and benefits professionals in using data and insight to provide the personalised employee experience that people want. Capita Employee Solutions interviewed 200 benefits leaders, 500 business leaders and 2,000 employees to find out how organisations are currently using data, insight and analytics to inform their benefits programmes, and to understand how they can drive business performance through greater personalisation.

Download the latest whitepaper in the Human to Hybrid series to find out more.

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Extraordinary administration. Transformational consultation. Ground-breaking-technology. Capita Employee solutions is the one-stop-shop for better health, wealth and retirement outcomes.

For over 40 years, we’ve been improving the lives of millions of employees and pension scheme members. With experience comes expertise. And with access to the breadth of expertise we have within Capita People Solutions, we’ve become market leaders and trusted partners to our clients. It’s collaboration at its best. And we’re always looking for new ways to improve outcomes to work better for your people, so they work better for your business.


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