How programmatic learning can support your upskilling strategy

Key insights into how programmatic learning can boost engagement and deliver real business transformation.

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Upskilling employees is vital to address changing business needs and ensure employees feel valued and engaged. What’s more, the pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of learning and revealed the need to provide personalised, digitally driven programmes designed to help deliver high-value transformational projects.

That’s why it is essential that employees are at the heart of your learning offering. They are the ones delivering resultsThey need mentorship, support and connection with their peers, and they need a programme of learning designed to support spaced practice, application and knowledge retention.

That’s where this eBook comes in. Download now to explore what programmatic learning looks like and why it may well be the real recipe for upskilling success. 

You will learn about:

  • What programmatic learning is
  • Six of its business benefits
  • When you should use it
  • Key ways to introduce it in your business
  • How to blend online and instructor-led training
  • Why learning programmes are proving a vital part of any L&D strategy

What you'll learn


D2L is a global learning innovation company helping organisations reshape the future of education and work. We’re leading the way into the era of personalised learning, driven by the belief that everyone deserves access to high-quality education, regardless of their age, ability, or location. Our powerful technology works at every stage of learning, from the earliest days of school through every stage of work.

We collaborate with leaders, policymakers, and industry innovators worldwide to advance learning. Our team partners with each customer to meet their learners’ needs, improve outcomes and provide support at every step of their journey.

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