Neuroscience Insight Sheet: how does the brain respond to feedback?

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Neuroscience research is helping business professionals make small changes that result in massive improvements in their own life, those of their direct reports and their organisations. 

Together with our Neuroscience Learning Hub, our Insight Sheets help you get under the skin of why neuroscience is important to you and the evidence base behind the claims.

This insight sheet is on how the brain responds to feedback and the type of feedback you should give to people to achieve the best outcomes.

What you'll learn


Head Heart + Brain was founded to change the way leadership development is designed and delivered. We use our understanding of how the brain learns and changes behaviour to design all our programmes. This ensures an achievement of greater behavioural change and thus a better return on your investment. Since 2009 we have been using the findings from neuroscience to help leaders understand themselves, their teams and how they can be more effective. Head Heart + Brain was founded by Jan Hills, who previously ran her own successful consulting business and was COO at an investment bank, so brings a huge amount of experience to the table in leadership and dealing with practical business issues.

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