The state of hiring and retention

How hiring managers are responding to fast-shifting talent challenges

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Quite a lot has changed in recent years as a result of covid and economic changes. While the extent of the impact varies across organizations, industries and individuals, one thing is clear: change is the new constant.

To discover what companies are doing to retain their quality talent in an ever-shifting world,  CareerBuilder, in partnership with Morning Consult, surveyed over 400 decision makers about their current hiring practices and challenges.

Download the report to dig into the findings and learn how your competitors are managing hiring and retention in a fast-changing era.

This eBook explores:

  • The biggest hiring trends right now
  • What issues do Hiring Managers face in their organization today
  • How an organization’s working environment impacts employee retention


We believe that everybody should be able to build toward a career that gives them a sense of purpose.

That’s why, at CareerBuilder, it’s our mission to build personal success for all. We work to provide tools and opportunities to let everybody find meaning and value in their work, no matter their skill, background, or starting point.

Because more meaningful matches between people and employers means everybody wins.

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