Workforce view in Europe

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Get insights from The 2019 Workforce View in Europe Report instead

What’s got European employees worried or excited? Access the views of 10,000+ European workers across eight key economies, in ADP’s fourth annual Workforce View in Europe report.

Amid some positive trends in the world of work, some fascinating findings emerge: 

  • Gender pay gap reporting: 75% of millennials would consider quitting their job if their employer was paying men and women unequally.
  • Freelancing is losing its shine: the number of employees actively considering becoming self-employed slumped a full 11 percentage points since 2016.
  • Skills confidence is bouncing back among older workers, but younger employees doubt they have what it takes to succeed in the modern workplace. 

What you'll learn


ADP UK is part of the largest supplier of payroll, time and attendance, and HR outsourcing services in the world, paying 31 million people worldwide each pay day.

Established in 1965, the UK operation has over 45 years experience delivering a range of payroll service solutions across the spectrum of private industry sectors. The knowledge and experience we have gained has enabled us to develop a totally flexible solution portfolio, offering ‘best-fit’ payroll and HR service options to organisations of every size and requirement. 

Our selection of services range from traditional payroll bureau provision, employment screening services and time and attendance solutions, through to fully managed payroll and HR administration options.

ADP provide services to some of the worlds largest companies, as well as some of the smallest, local organisations. over 80 percent of FORTUNE 500 companies and over 90 percent of FORTUNE 100 companies use at least one of ADP’s services.

In fact, our client statistics show that it’s because ADP’s modern service portfolio is so successful in delivering ‘best-fit’ solutions, to every size of organisation across the world, that has made us the biggest. Wherever companies do business – across the street or around the globe – they can count on ADP to help them succeed.

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