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Review: Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success


Jacket- Being the BestTitle: Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success
Author: Nicholas Bate
Publisher: Capstone Publishing
ISBN: 1-841112-521-0
Price: £12.99
Reviewer: Claudine McClean
Structured Training Limited

Being the Best is a collection of hints, tips, maxims and theories for personal success arranged into a 26 chapter work from Attention to Zen and the Art of Being Successful.

Under each letter of the alphabet there’s plenty to think about. R is for Rainmaker, for example, doesn’t just tell you that you can, or indeed, should make things happen – it gives you 17 ideas on the subject. You’ll also find inspirational quotes and case studies.

It’s easy to open the book at random and start reading lists, tactics and action plans. Most will give readers of any age or ability something to think about, even if it’s to disagree.

With each section, such as Success, Motivation, Internally Referenced, Lifelong Learning, or Emotional Intelligence running at five to ten pages, this book is perfect for readers who prefer snack sized learning. Being the Best is practical in style, encouraging readers to take active steps towards success, rather than simply laying out theories.

The content is pitched and arranged for easy, grazing, reading. Unfortunately the layout doesn’t quite make as much as it could of this writing style, with ideas in short paragraphs split over pages when it looks to have been written for them to be viewed together. This does detract a little from the immediate ‘hit you between the eyes’ feel of the book.

This isn’t a serious manual on personal success, but it is approachable and enjoyable, and acts is a good introduction to the many elements of success which could lead the reader into taking a greater interest.

Being the Best would make an ideal graduation gift, or a present for someone embarking on their first serious job. If your organisation has a significant graduate or apprentice intake, then it is certainly worth adding to your Learning Library.

Claudine is a consultant with with interests in instructional design, people and technology and recruiting and retaining talent. Previously she worked in recruitment and training for Manpower plc and for General Motors.

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