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Sift Seminar – Employee Online Communities


If your company has an employee intranet, it’s time to think again about what you’re using it for!

Although employee intranets have been around for some time, enabling companies to distribute knowledge and information to their staff, until recently intranets have been used primarily for top-down communication from management to employees. With issues of internal communication, knowledge management and exchange and company culture are increasingly high on the agenda for larger companies, employee online communities have become a hot topic, but what are they, how can they help, what benefits do they offer, how much is it likely to cost and how measurable are the results?

HR Zone’s parent company Sift, which hosts and runs a number of specialist community websites, is running two special seminars on this subject, designed for anyone interested in encouraging employee communications using internet technology.

The 90 minute sessions, being held at The Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Harrington Gardens, Kensington, London on Wednesday 24th October, are free of charge and open to all. The programme will consist of three short, practical briefings, looking at the following topics:

  • “The What, Why and How of Employee Online Communities”
    Martin White, Managing Director, Intranet Focus

  • “Online Learning in Fragmented Organisations”
    Tim Pickles, Founder, TrainingZONE

  • “Case Studies in Online Communities”
    Ben Heald, Director of Communities, SiftMedia

  • Seminars will take place at 8:30am and 12:30pm. After each seminar there will be hands-on opportunities to look at live sites and talk to community builders and managers about the unique power of online communities. Light refreshments will be served. Seminar attendance is limited to 40 and is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that past events have been over-subscribed, so please respond promptly to ensure your place.

    Sessions are likely to be of interest to Intranet Managers, HR, Knowledge Management and those responsible for internal communication.

    To book now online see

    For more information please contact Claire Harris or Rebecca Wright on 0117 915 8644, or e-mail

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