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Single annual date planned for employment legislation


The DTI has responded positively to proposals by the Better Regulation Task Force that there should be a common commencement date when all employment changes take effect, by publishing a consultation document.

David Arculus, chairman of the Better Regulation Task Force, said: “I am pleased that the DTI is acting so promptly on our recommendation for a common commencement date, as set out in our report “Employment Regulation: Striking a Balance”.

“At the moment employers are bombarded by regulations from all directions and at different times of the year. By bringing commencement dates together employers will be able to plan better for changes. The Treasury has a common announcement date with the Budget. Whether people like or not what the Chancellor says, everybody knows what he plans to do. With employment regulations at the moment, both employers and employees are very much left in the dark. Too much is left to chance.

“It is good that the DTI has set the ball rolling. But other Government Departments and Agencies must follow suit if a common commencement date is to have any real impact. It will help them rationalise regulation and identify conflicts and unintended consequences. I very much urge them to follow the DTI’s lead.”

The Better Regulation Task Force is an independent advisory body appointed in September 1997 and assisted and advised by a dedicated team of officials in the Cabinet Office. Appointments are unpaid. The Task Force’s terms of reference are to advise the Government on action which improves the effectiveness and credibility of government regulation. This is done by ensuring that regulation is necessary, fair and affordable and simple to understand and administer, taking particular account of the needs of small business and ordinary people.

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