People analytics: uncovering how people really feel at work through data


Traditional people analytics methods can sometimes be flawed and therefore fail to tell you the truth. To really have an impact, HR surveys need to tap into the non-conscious part of the brain. The phrase ‘the right tool for the right job’ is a common adage, but in relation to people analytics, in many cases, traditional […]

The last mile: turning insights into actions in workplace learning analytics


In part three of a six-part series on workplace learning analytics, Trish Uhl explains how to overcome this common issue – known as ‘the last mile problem’ – transforming insights into positive action that will help steer the business in the right direction DDI research estimates that 79% of analytics programmes fail due to ‘the last mile […]

How to grow your own data scientists: a practical guide for the data-driven C-Suite


Demand for data and analytics skills is increasing, but existing leadership teams admit they often struggle with this. How can organisations upskill their existing teams while ensuring their future workforce is prepared? Data today is the fuel driving the modern business world. It therefore stands to reason that the ability to read and speak the […]

Why data will underpin the transformation of modern leadership


Most business processes rely on a certain amount of data to operate efficiently, but increasingly it’s the leadership function that is being transformed by a more data-driven approach – and this can only be a good thing.  Organisations have become hugely data driven around their finances and operations and more recently around their customer processes. Data […]

How can HR meet challenges along the many routes to future work?


If, as an HR professional, you believe the often used quip ‘one size does not fit all’, then accepting the need for multiple paths, bridges and contingencies to future work should not be that difficult. In part three of this series on crossing the chasms to future work, Mike Hammer – aka ‘The Gig Doctor’ – […]

Pursuing talent: how existing employees can help you recruit


Data will be at the heart of future recruitment decision making as organisations harness the powerful insights they hold on their databases. Every organisation regards talent acquisition and retention as vital to its success, get it right and the business could be on the right path for future growth, but get it wrong and the […]

How can HR build new bridges for future work?


The assumptions, strategies and techniques that have helped HR in the past will not suffice for navigating through the disruptive tsunami that is set to impact every business and its workforce. In the second of this series, Mike Hammer – aka ‘The Gig Doctor’ – explores how to sort out the good, the bad and […]

Digital devices: what does the future hold for employee benefits?


The rise in popularity of wearable technology shows no sign of abating. So, how can employers embrace this new set of digital tools to improve the employee experience and enhance productivity levels? Whilst sales of smartphones have plateaued, the adoption of wearable technology by consumers has skyrocketed.  Today, people can use their wearable devices to control and monitor […]

How data can enhance employee wellbeing


Imagine if there was a way to measure levels of happiness in the workplace and improve them? Well, advances in technology are enabling employers to do just that by monitoring employee behaviour through smart devices. Research has found that employee happiness in the workplace has a direct impact on productivity. Put simply, the happier someone is, the better […]

HR technology: an interview with Marc Coleman, CEO and Founder of UNLEASH


Ahead of UNLEASH World Conference & Expo 2018, we caught up with Marc Coleman, CEO and Founder of UNLEASH, to find out what’s been happening in the HR tech space over the past year and how HR should be preparing for the future. We spoke with you a year ago ahead of 2017’s HR Tech […]

Predictive people analytics: how is it impacting the way we manage people?


Predictive people analytics is changing how we manage people. But how exactly? Although the emergence of people analytics in HR is increasingly well documented, how it changes day-to-day practices for HR professionals and managers has been little explored. To learn more about the impact of analytics on how people are managed, and the changing role […]

How does Scientific People Analytics compare with other people analytics approaches?


In the final article of this four-part series, Dr Max Blumberg compares the Scientific People Analytics (SPA) to other commonly used people analytics approaches. Which methodology will come out on top? To briefly recap, part 1 of this series demonstrated that unlike marketing and manufacturing, people analytics has been relatively slow to adopt methodologies based […]

Setting a clear direction on your workplace learning analytics journey


In the second of a six-part series on the components of a workplace learning analytics strategy, Trish Uhl looks at how to map your course and make sure that you’re delivering on all your essential priorities when creating your strategy. I’ve spent the past seven months traveling the world meeting with learning practitioners in cities spanning […]

Stuck in first gear: how can HR make more of people data?


People analytics has been the ‘next big thing’ for HR for well over twenty years, but the profession is still struggling to make the most of the people data it collects. Is a crisis of confidence holding the profession back? And what does HR need to do to make people analytics ‘business as usual’ and […]

How to use Scientific People Analytics to improve people processes


In the third article of this four-part series, Dr Max Blumberg explores how Scientific People Analytics (SPA) can be used to support human capital decisions made by organisational managers. In Part 2 of this series I showed how the Human Capital Value Profiler can be used to identify a people process requiring improvement in order […]

Scientific People Analytics: a look at Value Profiling


This article is the second in a four-part series exploring how Scientific People Analytics (SPA) can be used to support human capital decisions made by organisational managers. In order to understand how SPA can be used to guide and support management decision-making, it is necessary to look at why and how managers make human capital […]

Scientific People Analytics: are you in the know?


This article is the first in a four-part series explaining how to implement Scientific People Analytics (SPA). SPA is the application of the scientific method to people analytics as opposed to the non-scientific approaches currently used by most companies today. Part 1 of the series provides a rationale for using SPA. Part 2 explains why SPA […]

Are you ready to start the workplace learning analytics journey?


In part one of a six-part series, Trish Uhl – Founder, Talent & Learning Analytics Leadership Forum – offers insight to L&D professionals on the components of a workplace learning analytics strategy and how to get started on your workplace learning analytics journey. Workplace learning analytics is a specialised segment of the broader people analytics movement […]

Women’s career progression: how to address the barriers and accelerate progress


Gender pay gaps are getting increased media attention. But the issue is not just a pay one – it’s one of women’s representation at all levels in an organisation and their career journey. Many companies are struggling to affect sustainable change with regards to women’s progression, even with multiple well-intended initiatives aimed at supporting women moving up […]