Expect the sticky stuff: How to overcome resistance to change

Struggling to get certain employees ‘on board’ with your change initiative? Ella Overshott, Co-director of Pecan Partnership, shares five steps to overcome resistance and make change stick.
Redundancies in the Higher Education sector: Layoffs ‘done well’

As more universities announce redundancies, we unpack how this difficult process can be led in a way that creates the best possible experience for everyone involved.
Labour Lessons: Symbolic actions to accelerate culture change

As the Labour Party enters its second week in government, it’s clear that they have carefully chosen some of their early actions to symbolise a shift in government culture. How can you use symbolic changes to speed-up culture change in your organisation?
Edelman Trust Barometer 2024: Innovation in peril

What does the state of trust look like in 2024, against a backdrop of technological innovation? Leadership coach Blaire Palmer examines findings from the Edelman Trust Barometer 2024 and offers leaders guidance on building trust in an AI era.
Three ways OD can help HR get the edge in 2024

By building OD capability HR and people teams can help their organisations navigate the uncertainties of 2024. Here, Garin Rouch and Dani Bacon of Distinction Consulting, show us how.
Mergers and acquisitions: How to combine two workplace cultures

The coming together of two businesses can be incredibly difficult to pull off and often results in failure. So how can we make it work?
Don’t let job titles dictate career pathways

Job titles are holding businesses and people back. By looking instead at outputs needed, the door would be open for more diverse talent to join your team.
Three tips to building a kick-ass culture

Discover three ways to re-build a positive culture in the post-pandemic workplace.
Is your culture in change-ready or change-sabotage mode?

Getting change ready is necessary to manage the impact of change and coaching conversations are crucial here
How introverts and extraverts manage conflict differently

Actions to better understand conflict, manage it more effectively, or resolve it more efficiently can pay dividends for organisations
Four leadership lessons from Jacinda Ardern’s resignation

The practical lessons leaders can draw from Jacinda Ardern’s abrupt resignation.
A sinking ship: HR’s role when a company goes into administration

When a company goes into administration the impact on HR is huge. People director Kevin Hollingworth reflects on his experience with a sinking ship
Five ways to win at organisational development and design

Organisation design is rarely straightforward but here are five ways to successfully clear the hurdles you are likely to encounter.
How to lead well during a merger or acquisition

How you lead during a merger and acquisition can impact your people’s psychological security
How can HR lure stakeholders into organisation design?

Enticing stakeholders to hop aboard the organisation design journey is tricky for HR. Where’s best to start?
What are your organisation’s ‘signature’ ways of working?

Change doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Find your signature ways of working and reawaken your organisational culture.
The Four Turnings: Why HR’s time to lead is written in the cycles of change

The HR profession is on the brink of change, but to evolve will require collective intelligence and compelling leadership.
What many organisations get wrong about change

Too often change focuses on labels, functions and centres of excellence rather than what actually makes a difference.
Seven leadership approaches for a hybrid working world

Learn the most effective ways to lead successfully in an increasingly hybrid world
The Met Police’s toxic culture: Five steps to fixing it

There can be no doubt that the new leader of the London Met Police will have their work cut out for them. Where should they begin?