Cancer in the workplace: how employers can prepare themselves
It goes without saying that employers cannot ignore cancer. However, it is equally true that employers can – and should – be well-prepared to approach cancer in the right way. There are several barriers that organisations must overcome getting this approach right, but ultimately they have be described in terms of three key themes: our […]
Winning the hearts and minds of millennials: 3 guiding principles for managers
Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. They began entering the workforce more than 15 years ago and are now taking it over. By 2020 they are anticipated to comprise nearly half of employees in developed, western economies. An interesting phenomenon has developed among this group. […]
Most-read HRZone articles of 2017
We’ve done a roundup of the most-read HRZone articles in 2017. Topics span leadership, people analytics, diversity, wellbeing, employee engagment and more. Check the list and make sure you haven’t missed out on what your peers have already read. 1. Six reasons why people analytics will be central to the future of HR By David Green, […]
How to replace mental health stigma and silence with support and openness
Work is a huge part of many people’s lives – it’s where we spend a lot of our time and energy – and yet the workplace repeatedly crops up as a place where those of us with a mental health problem experience high levels of stigma and discrimination. Statistics show that due to the fear […]
Tekken 7 vs. Pin-Drop Syndrome: who should be in charge of office volume?
For the HR and office managers out there, it is an acknowledged fact of life that it’s simply impossible to set the thermostat at a temperature that will keep everyone happy: there will always be some staff who are too hot or too cold. But what about the noise level in the office — is […]
“LGBT people still get a raw deal.”
Mercer’s UK & Ireland HR Director and Board Member, Dr Siobhan Martin, has made the Top 100 OUTstanding Leading LGBT+ Executives List for the fourth year running, this year making it into the Top 10. She was nominated for her continuous efforts around ensuring Mercer is an inclusive company and her activism for equal rights […]
Should I tell my boss I have OCD?
Stuart Ralph has had OCD for most of his life. Through his podcast The OCD Stories he shares the progress he has made with various therapies and seeks to help people affected by OCD with their own recovery. Here he explores some key considerations to take when it comes to opening up at work about […]
Employee perspectives: “HR should be a more visible part of the hospital.”
We wanted to take a look at how employees within the healthcare industry are coping with the NHS crisis – on top of what is already a very challenging sector to work in – and whether they feel HR is supporting them adequately in their role. In this anonymised interview, a Band 6 critical care […]
How to align your team with good co-ordination
Better managers recognize that the art of management is something they need to learn. No one becomes a fully competent manager overnight. There are, of course, many ways of learning how to be an effective manager. There is no doubt that experience is the best teacher – the time you have spent as a manager […]
Six top tips on how to be more emotionally intelligent at work
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the way we manage emotions, both our own and those of others and it can play a critical role in determining our happiness, success, motivation and productivity at work and home. To reap the benefits of Emotional Intelligence training or make significant and meaningful changes to develop our EI, we need […]
Employee perspectives: “My time is taken up doing the wrong things.”
We wanted to take a look at how employees within the healthcare industry are coping with the NHS crisis – on top of what is already a very challenging sector to work in – and whether they feel HR is supporting them adequately in their role. In this anonymised interview, a Clinical Lead for Community […]
The career pitfalls of opening up about mental health at work
In their latest thought leadership research report The Institute of Leadership & Management have discovered that some employees who ask for support with mental health problems face career-changing consequences – and not for the better. Mind Culture, 2017 found that 8% of respondents faced negative consequences, including being sacked or forced out, demoted or subjected […]
How being selfish, prejudiced and narrow-minded improves emotional intelligence
Combining thinking with feelings to make quality decisions and build authentic relationships underpins your emotional intelligence. And self-awareness is a key component of this. Beyond the obvious awareness of your strengths and liabilities (along with how they play out and the impact that they have) is an awareness of how your attitude can impact upon […]
5 proven ways to increase benefits take-up among employees
Companies make a significant investment into employee benefits. While employers may hope to achieve different outcomes from offering benefits, the truth is, benefit packages contribute to big business goals. From attracting and retaining talent, to motivating and engaging employees and increasing workforce productivity, getting a strong return on investment should be a top priority for […]
Promoting a thinking environment creates inclusion
There are a whole lot of new words being created to explain the impact of bias and sexism which comes with it. Words like: Manterrupting: Unnecessary interruption of a woman by a man. Mansplaining: Explaining without regard to the fact that another person in the group knows more than the explainer, often done by a […]
Where company values fall short, and what to do about it
In the past two decades, the world of work has radically transformed. Mobile tech has fazed out the desktop, telecommuting is more common than ever, and chatbots are taking over customer service. In most cases, companies have responded to this by implementing new technologies, drafting new policies, and bringing fresh perspectives into the ranks. But is that […]
Leaders must create an inspiring environment for people
A necessary principle of leadership is an inspiring vision of success for the team and the company. I have seen many examples of leaders expressing market position as their singular ambition for the business. To have the goal of higher sales, more share or simply be bigger is an indication of leaders going wrong. You […]
Leaders must take an interest in their people
I regularly facilitate McKinsey & Company’s Bower Forums – a program in which typically five company leaders spend two days together sharing their professional aspirations, the challenges they face, and coaching each other. I remember one discussion when a recently appointed CEO of a large healthcare firm shared his ambition to transform his organization into […]
“What are the top skills headteachers need to create a good culture?”
This question was answered by Andy Buck, a former geography teacher turned headteacher turned leadership expert who has written multiple leadership books and now works with senior headteachers across the UK to improve schools and the school system. Jamie Lawrence, Managing Editor, HRZone: What are the top skills headteachers need to create a good culture? Andy […]
“Teachers seem to need to earn respect more than in the past. Is this a good thing?”
This question was answered by Andy Buck, a former geography teacher turned headteacher turned leadership expert who has written multiple leadership books and now works with senior headteachers across the UK to improve schools and the school system. Jamie Lawrence, Managing Editor, HRZone: Teachers seem to need to earn respect more than in the past, when it […]