Is it time for HR to come down off its pedestal?

No names, no job titles, no companies. HR After Dark features totally anonymised opinion pieces from HR professionals, consultants and industry commentators. No holds barred, no censorship, nothing but raw opinions on issues that matter to HR. When the lights go down, HR After Dark comes out to play. See it all here first. Want […]
Overcome impostor syndrome once and for all

Do you suspect that you are a fraud and do not deserve the success you have achieved? Have you ever worried that you’re not really as good at your job as everyone says you are? Do you dismiss your successes as being down to luck, the work of others or timing? Are you worried that […]
The value of navel gazing and why HR must focus on the future

There’s no doubt that one of HR’s most time consuming preoccupations is reflecting on its own future. Communities like HRZone provide us with a wealth of rich information but have certainly contributed to the amount of introspection taking place as well. And then you’ve got people like me finding something to challenge the HR profession […]
Sticking with those management resolutions in 2015

A new year brings with it the opportunity to set new goals and start afresh, and managers across the country will be looking to do just this in 2015. However, we all know it is easy to make resolutions, but much harder to stick to them. Our advice is to break your goals down into […]
How is postgraduate education helping HR professionals become more strategic?

Traditionally, the Human Resources function has served primarily as the systematising and employee-policy arm of executive management. The role of HR professionals was closely aligned with personnel and administrative functions that were sometimes viewed by the organisation as “paperwork”. However, the sector’s shift in professional designation from personnel to human resources has been part of […]
How to encourage your teams to embrace the career spiral staircase

When it comes to careers, most of us are familiar with the phrase “climbing the career ladder”. Whilst some individuals might still be focused on getting to the next rung, and pushing themselves upwards, it’s actually quite an old fashioned analogy for today’s workforce. The career spiral staircase better reflects the needs, aspirations and motivations […]
Seven essential career tips from highly successful women

Why do we see so few highly successful women at the top? A key reason, I believe, is that women are not as aware as men are of the power of personal branding, whether it’s self-promotion, projecting confidence or strategic networking. I’ve asked over 150 highly successful women their tips for success. Here are seven […]
Managers, it’s time to walk the talk on communication skills

Most managers and leaders think they have strong communication skills and that are adept at managing others. Those reporting to them might think otherwise – even if they don’t openly say so. Most of us think we are good at communicating. We don’t know what we don’t know and that is not the best place […]
How can we approach live online learning to ensure good practice?

With the advancement of technology the benefits of delivering some learning and marketing through webinars and live online learning have become clear over recent years. There are cost savings for organisations and individuals with regards travel, accommodation, facilities and time away from work. The impact of good live online learning, or so-called ‘virtual training’, can […]
Why HR professionals can’t practise what they preach

I thought it would be prudent to immediately diffuse any negative thoughts or perceptions from the HR professionals (HRPs) among you. So firstly, let me boldly state how commonplace it is for professionals of all types to engage in some periodic indulgence of ‘I can’t practise what I preach’. Here are some interesting examples to […]
“We must be different by design,” says Thames Valley Police’s Director of People

1. Is agile leadership particularly useful in the police force with people at all levels having to respond to unique situations quickly and authoritatively? Absolutely yes. I always say to our newly qualified police officers at their confirmation ceremony that they are taking on one of the most challenging vocations I can imagine. From day […]
Book Review: Know what you don’t know by Michael A Roberto

Title: Know what you don’t know: How Great Leaders Prevent Problems Before They HappenAuthors: Michael A RobertoISBN: 978-0131568150 This book was reviewed by David Evans of Burn Bridge Associates. Decision-making, problem-solving and creative thinking are significant and current challenges in management practice and so Roberto’s book has some apparent relevance. Sub-titled “How Great Leaders prevent problems before they happen”, […]
Book Review: Risk Intelligence by Dylan Evans

Title: Risk Intelligence: How to Live with UncertaintyAuthors: Dylan EvansISBN: 978-1451610901 This book was reviewed by David Evans of Burn Bridge Associates. When senior managers are polled about the greatest challenges that their organisations face, one of the issues that regularly achieves high scores is that of the quality of their people’s decision-making (others, like problem-solving and talent, […]
Time for a fresh look at MOOCs?

MOOCs – otherwise known as Massive Open Online Course – are accessible to students anywhere in the world at no cost via the internet. The leading lights in this market, such as Coursera, EdX and FutureLearn, deliver existing course content from leading traditional universities. The ambition for many of those contributing to their development was […]
Does the real you show up at interviews?

Some of us may feel our interview techniques let us down; here are some thoughts on how to break this pattern. A counter-intuitive suggestion Interview practice is essential. However if you invest some time to reflect on your career to date and create a “Big Fat CV” (BFCV) rather than a crisp version, you may […]
Case study: how to assess emerging talent

The company and the challenge JT (formerly Jersey Telecom) is halfway through a five-year growth strategy, initiated in 2011 to transform the Group into a global communications business. Already, JT has nearly doubled its value after expanding its global reach, introducing new services, undertaking strategic acquisitions and creating new global partnerships. However, while rapid growth […]
Are line managers doing performance management or forms management?

How’s this for a performance management scenario: It’s mid-February and a manager in your organisation bursts into an employee’s office. “HR’s getting really annoyed. I was supposed to submit everyone’s performance plan no later than the end of January. Here’s your plan from last year. The work hasn’t really changed and you’re doing a great […]
Interview: Charlotte deMetz, HR Director, Misys

What is the main HR technology project you have been involved in? I oversaw the implementation of an HR system from SumTotal Systems which included five solutions: learning, performance, compensation, workforce analytics and SumTotal’s elixHR platform, which links all our different HR solutions and pieces of software. Misys already used SAP HR to provide core […]
Book review: The 31 Practices

Title: The 31 Practices – release the power of your organization’s values everydayAuthors: Alan Williams & Alison WhybrowISBN: 978-1907794353 This book was reviewed by David Evans of Burn Bridge Associates. This book has credibility, intrigue and is a window on the world we live in. This much we learn from the opening dedication – “we dedicate this book […]
How can we find the time to lead?

Nearly all leaders lack enough hours in the day to get everything done. A constant barrage of emails, calls, texts and social media only increases the pressure and demands urgent attention. The key word is ‘urgent’. By understanding the significant difference between urgency and importance, leaders can manage their time more effectively and accomplish more […]