News: productivity being ‘sabotaged’ by email addiction


Business productivity is suffering because firms are not taking steps to curb “email addiction” in the workplace. This is according to Jerry Hopkins, founder of The Leadership Team, which provides training to leaders who need to create more time in their working lives. Hopkins said that organisations would benefit from introducing strict guidelines on the […]

Book Review: Transformative HR by John Boudreau & Ravin Jesuthasan


Title: Transformative HRAuthors: John Boudreau & Ravin JesuthasanISBN: 978-1118036044 Reviewed by David Evans of Burn Bridge Associates. This is a book that ostensibly has a very clear mission: to champion the cause of evidence-based HR management. There is, however, a ‘sub-plot’ which relates to the need for HR professionals to be able to operate with their […]

Book review: Never Mind the Bosses by Robin Ryde


Reviewed by Tanya Cowin The objective of the book, Never Mind the Bosses by Robin Ryde, is to demonstrate that deference in the workplace “impedes organisational success.” The author has been strongly influenced by the punk movement and its anti-deferential attitude and devotes a whole chapter of the book to explaining the punk music explosion […]

Blog: Doing that Pope thing!


When I got in my car the other morning, the news flash that came through was that Pope Benedict XVI had resigned. This was big news since apparently a pontiff has not resigned in the past 600 years. That is quite a record since the last resignation was by Gregory XII in 1415.   As […]

Blog: do we really want charismatic leaders?


Last week our Business Development Director had a meeting with a major High Street Financial Institution. During his presentation of our Charisma Model Programme he was a little surprised when their HR Director asked: “Do we really want charismatic leaders?” After a bit of exploration it became clear that the question was raised out of […]

Technology and the changing face of work


Stephen Walker dares to gaze into the future and predict the next working revolution and the skills that will be needed. The human race’s story is one of the development of technology. From the discovery of fire and the flint-cutting edge to the iPhone and 3D printing, technological developments have changed the daily tasks of […]

News: Bad careers advice is harming next generation of workers


Poor careers advice and lack of understanding about the workplace mean young people are ill-prepared to enter the jobs market, warned the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).   More than half (53%) of the employers surveyed by the CIPD believed youngsters careers advice was inadequate, while 63% said their young recruits lacked insight […]

Talent Spot: Monica Walls, vice president of Human Resources at Nexenta Systems


 Monica Walls, vice president of HR at Nexenta Systems loves working for startups. “You can have a bigger impact and see results much quicker,” she says. “I fell in love with working for startups and and cannot imagine going back to working for a company with 13,000 employees.”  Walls has her work cut out feeding […]

News: EU – Employers ‘must retrain or redeploy redundant staff’


European MPs have approved proposals for medium- and large employers to take responsibility for retraining or redeploying employees that they plan to make redundant. The European Parliament report, which was drawn up by Spanish socialist MEP, Alejandro Cercas, is calling for new regulations that would require organisations employing more than 100 staff in a single […]

Blog: The key talent trends from 2012 revealed


The latest ‘Talent Think Tank’ kicked off with an introduction from our host about some of the key trends in 2012. The change in expectations, career management and generational shifts highlight that there is a burning platform with talent management today to adapt in order to retain talent. Here are some of the key points […]

Talent Spot: Jennifer Longden, head of HR at Cititec


When Jennifer Longden joined Cititec in 2009, the technology recruitment firm did not have an HR department and she had no experience of HR. From this blank canvas, she has created an HR unit that is helping to shape and support the business as well as adapt to a dramatic shift in focus. Longden had […]

Blog: What’s your communication style?


You communicate in your own particular way – we all do. Over the years you’ve developed your own natural communication style. To come across confidently and to look as though you’re in control, it helps if you’re aware of this style.   People with good communication skills already know what’s good and what’s bad about their […]

Blog: Seven career questions to ask yourself for 2013


It’s that time in January when we take stock and decide on our resolutions for the year ahead. So I thought it might be useful to offer my advice on what you should be doing to enhance your career in 2013.   Make time to think about your career. There is nothing more important than […]

HRD Insight: GL Hearn’s Susan Wright on graduate intern schemes


The role of the business community in helping to develop new talent is becoming an increasingly topical issue.  The economic climate has created an environment in which graduates are now struggling to find jobs that only a few years earlier would have been readily available.   It is clear that these days experience counts, which […]

Is it worth doing an MBA?


What is an MBA? Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE It’s a question that I have been asked a number of times over the years. Candidates who want to accelerate their careers look at the options available and many decide to look closer at the value of an MBA.   The first MBA […]

Living Leader Learnings: How can I get my team to trust me?


The challenge A general manager at the distribution division of a national manufacturer says:   “We have just completed our annual staff survey and it seems that the basic message coming from HR is that we need to find ways to increase the levels of engagement in our teams. As a manager, of course I […]

News: Govt unveils “traineeships” to make youth work-ready


The coalition government plans to launch a new “traineeship” scheme, which is intended to ensure that 16-to-24 year olds are ready for the world of work. It has just published a discussion paper laying out its “vision” for the initiative and is asking employers and training providers to comment on the proposals before the fine […]

Blog: How to receive feedback in an effective manner


Even though most of us recognise the benefits of receiving feedback, it can still be difficult to accept criticism and actually learn from the information. Feedback is important because it keeps us informed and helps us learn how to improve. All feedback is beneficial whether it is positive or negative. Feedback is important to your […]

Talent Spot: Julia Warren, HR director at Serco UK and Europe


When Julia Warren joined the graduate programme at the John Lewis Partnership in 1982, she had every intention of becoming a general manager as she loved customer service and retail. Two years in, however, her “crazy managing director” asked her whether she would like to run staff management.   She was only 23, had no […]

Talking Point: Lembit Opik – Do you know how to manage a maverick?


I suppose you could say that I was a ‘maverick.’  Of course, it all depends on the definition.   Personally, I’d define a maverick as someone who follows their conscience and imagination rather than following the ‘norm’.    But other people might define such people in a different way: for example, as an unpredictable, uncontrollable […]