Why people analytics is the platform for an effective Covid-19 response

How people data is helping HR teams battle the pandemic on the front line.
Join our upcoming webinar to have your furlough questions answered

Looking for more clarity on the UK Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme? Join our webinar on 15th April to get your questions answered.
Crisis management: seven tips for communicating through challenging times

Seven ways to keep communication flowing during Covid-19.
Stress-busting support strategies for the neurologically diverse remote worker

As HR professionals with a duty of care to all employees, we understand the importance of factoring in the neurological differences of our colleagues when working towards an inclusive and supportive culture. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented number of people – including the neurominorities – are rapidly adjusting to working remotely at a […]
Essential data protection tips during the Covid-19 crisis

For HR teams facing a data protection headache from a quick transition to home working, we’ve outlined some essential tips…
4D leadership: a sustainable way to lead through Covid-19?

A certain type of leadership is required to get us through the troubling times. But is HR ready to adopt this different approach?
Thinking furlough? Here’s your questions on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme answered

Thinking furlough? Here’s a run down on all you need to know about the Government’s Job Retention Scheme.
Six ways companies are living their values in response to the coronavirus

Values are a critical business tool, guiding employees in the direction required to help themselves and the company succeed. But what happens to values during challenging times? Do we (a) Toss them aside and focus on the problems at hand or (b) Make them even more a part of how we run our business and […]
How to lead through uncertainty in a virtual world

By adopting five strategies, leaders can help ensure their team’s engagement, performance and wellbeing remains strong.
How to help employees take care of their own wellbeing during a crisis

News about the coronavirus is on every news channel and media communication every day. We see a daily tally of countries affected and fatalities incurred. As a result, your employees will probably have a heightened awareness of the outbreak and the risks that they may be exposed to during their travel, which may be causing […]
What does employee engagement look like in these challenging times?

Over the last few weeks we’ve all faced unprecedented challenges and obstacles, being asked to quickly pull together plans to support our people and to support our businesses in these times of uncertainty. We’re all living day-to-day in the operational world, battling one challenge at a time, waiting for the next one to come our […]
Practising mindfulness through times of uncertainty

Embedding mindfulness practise into our daily lives can help us maintain good mental health during unsettling times.
Coronavirus: the role of the unexpected remote manager

The unfortunate truth is that the remote work that most people will experience right now – the homeworking forced by COVID-19 – is not the kind of remote work I advocate for. Transitioning to online collaboration is a thought-through process, a planned change in behaviour, which requires a change in mindset. Remote workers often choose […]
Four ways to support employee financial wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak

As the UK focusses on delaying the spread of the coronavirus, many employees’ anxiety about the situation will be compounded by worrying about money. The impact the virus is having on the global economy and worry about having to take time off work means many employees will be concerned about the near future. At times […]
Coronavirus: How to work from home with kids at home

While there is some excellent advice out there at the moment about remote working during this unsettling time, one aspect is noticeably missing. What if you’re trying to work from home alongside children? If schools begin to close and childminders, grandparents and other backup options are not available, you and your people could well find […]
Coronavirus: How to address the overlooked challenges of remote working

Twitter, Amazon and Google are among many large global companies who have asked their employees to work remotely to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. With the World Health Organization declaring a pandemic and the UK shifting to the ‘delay’ phase, which will involve social distancing measures, many businesses (where possible) will be preparing to […]
Crisis communications: how to reach your employees during the coronavirus outbreak

How to communicate your coronavirus strategy to employees.
Flexible working: how virtual offices are changing the art of leadership

With many businesses making the move to remote working in response to Covid-19, we need to be mindful that people working from home spend far less time with managers, and the geographical distance between employers and staff creates leadership challenges. Building relationships The best relationships are built through regular face-to-face contact, so getting to know employees […]