Four ways to ensure the wellbeing of women at work


Female employees have a unique set of wellbeing requirements – so why are employers still using a one-size-fits-all approach? As part of World Wellbeing Week, we look at four ways employers can support the women who work for them. Apparently, women are better at multi-tasking than men. I’m not sure if there’s any empirical evidence underpinning […]

The UK workforce as 100 people: what can we learn about diversity?


When comparing the UK proportionally represented by 100 people with the current makeup of the UK workforce as 100 people, we are faced with the true reality of the lack of diversity in the working world. Diversity plays an important role in helping communities thrive, and this is no different in the workplace. Collaboration that […]

How blind recruitment can help employers avoid the ‘black hole’


Getting rid of recruitment bias is essential if companies are truly serious about creating a diverse workforce. Is blind recruitment the answer to this pervasive problem? It’s not too much of a stretch to say that men have traditionally dominated careers in science. Even now, women make up less than a quarter of those working […]

The problem with modern leadership: diversity, inclusion and the ‘hero’ complex


The world is facing a leadership crisis. We need to radically refocus the way we think about leadership to focus less on the individual and more on collective responsibility. Only a diverse and inclusive approach to leadership can solve the mess we’re in. How many times have you heard someone say, “diversity and inclusion are […]

Three trends gleaned from gender pay gap reporting round two


We’re all aware by now that the second round of gender pay gap reporting has brought disappointing results. But by investigating the data a bit deeper, useful insights have emerged as to how employers can put their best foot forward as we head into the third year of reporting. April 1st marked the second annual […]

Disability discrimination at work: how to protect your business and employees


Disability discrimination is still a widespread problem, and there’s much that can be done to address this. Here, we outline how to help protect your business from accusations of disability discrimination. Under the Equality Act 2010, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against someone on the basis of their race, religion, sex, disability, sexual […]

Disconnecting belonging from exclusion to create workplace harmony


Is there an untethered link between belonging and exclusion? And, if so, how can we break apart these polarities to create truly inclusive workplaces? I have a problem with the idea of belonging. Why? Because belonging is almost always defined by its polar opposite: excluding. Most of the time, our sense of belonging is defined […]

Disappointing gender pay gap results: it’s time for a fundamental cultural shift


With no significant improvement in the gender pay gap between 2017 and 2018, it’s time for employers to radically change their approach to building a diverse workplace in order to make progress in the coming year. “Imagine a workplace where women don’t have to spend extra, or any, energy fighting for fair pay or defending […]

‘Do I belong here?’ The question potential employees are asking themselves


Employers need go far beyond the tick-box exercise of recruiting diverse talent to develop a dynamically rich and inclusive workplace culture. Making employees feel like they belong within your business may be the answer, but what does this actually entail? Diversity and inclusion experts have long sought to diversify the attraction and recruitment process. Unconscious bias […]

Why companies need to open up the dialogue around diversity


Creating a workplace culture that is truly diverse is not about ticking the ‘right’ boxes, it requires a shift in the way organisations communicate with their staff, HR teams and new recruits. Workplace diversity isn’t about recruiting a bunch of people from different backgrounds. That’s just a diversity of faces, and only leads to employees having to […]

Putting the ‘human’ back into human resources


In order for businesses to be truly inclusive they must adapt their attitudes and behaviour towards those with disabilites and embrace human-centred skills. We can see emerging trends form in the HR landscape in terms of leadership and people with disabilities. At a time of increased automation and amid businesses preparing for wider use of artificial intelligence, HR functions are […]

Psychological safety: how supportive teams enable innovation


Companies that embrace psychological safety often focus on the positive effect it has on team cohesion. Whilst that is important, it also allows people with different personality types the chance to share innovative ideas.  Psychological safety has become something of a trendy topic in management, even though there is much confusion about what it actually means and how it might be measured.  […]

How can HR create change for women at work in the Post-#MeToo era?


Gender equality is not going to be achieved through creating special groups for women. For real change to occur in the workplace, HR professionals must empower both men and women to take shared responsibility for one another.   Genetically, we are all born different even though in principle we function in the same way regardless of […]

How to support LGBT+ employees throughout the year


Businesses have realised the importance and profitability of working with the LGBT+ communities. But employers should recognise that popping up during Pride and disappearing for the rest of the year is unhelpful. Support for LGBT+ employees must be provided on a consistent basis throughout the year. There has been an increasing need for businesses to […]

How women can succeed: changing gender perceptions


Many acknowledge there is a gender diversity problem in Britain’s boardrooms, in fact less than 5% of executive directors at FTSE 250 index companies are female. But what are the reasons for the imbalance?   Perhaps men have better leadership qualities? Our latest research suggests not. Indeed it shows that, contrary to popular opinion, male and female leaders […]

How to close the gender pay gap


The gender pay gap revealed huge inequalities within organisations. Thankfully HR teams are uniquely placed to change cultures from the inside, ensuring women are paid fairly. In April 2017 organisations in the UK with more than 250 employees were required to publish their gender pay gap figures. All but a very small number of organisations declared a pay gap […]

Women in the workplace: taking centre stage


Research shows that women need to feel supported in the workplace to overcome a fear of visibility. But what can organisations do to help women step out from the shadows? One dilemma for women is managing masculine work norms – being visible, speaking up, demanding a hearing – with female socialisation to be modest, keep quiet and be […]

10 ways to unleash the potential of dyslexic employees


Supporting employees with dyslexia not only requires offering emotional and practical support to those affected, but also educating other members of staff so everyone benefits. Dyslexia is predicted to affect approximately 10% of the British population, according to the British Dyslexia Association (BDA). Subsequently, around 2.9 million workers are living with this learning difficulty, meaning it’s […]

What 2019 holds for diversity and inclusion in the workplace


In 2018, the gender pay gap reporting, continued growth of the #Metoo movement and rise of the D&I officer were just a few signs of progress for workplace diversity and inclusion. But how can HR continue to make headway in 2019? Creating a collaborative environment that is open to different ideas, perspectives and styles of thinking should […]