“It was great to see the enthusiasm for adopting the new way we want to talk to customers”

Since 2008, Tesco Bank has been wholly owned by Tesco plc. 3,000 staff based in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle serve 7 million customer accounts. Tesco Bank’s aim is to be the financial services provider of choice for Tesco shoppers by giving them great service and good value while rewarding their loyalty for shopping at Tesco. […]
5 steps to support mental wellbeing in the workplace

I am David Brudö, CEO and Co-Founder of personal development and mental wellbeing app Remente. I first started my own business in e-commerce a few years ago, but as much joy as you get from running your own business, it can be stressful and demanding My work was all-consuming and I wasn’t prepared for the […]
Internal comms: lessons from the ad industry

Muse is a new online service from Woodreed designed to solve the business challenges HR, engagement and internal communications professionals tell us they face. Accessed online via PC, mobile or tablet, it’s a combination of three services designed to improve the quality and effectiveness of internal communication. Click here to find out more. Would you let your […]
How an effective EAP can help you anytime, anywhere

One in four adults in the UK are diagnosed with at least one mental health problem each year. This statistic may be surprising, but it has caused organisations to care more about mental health in the workplace. With stress levels rising amongst UK workers, organisations have a responsibility to look after their staff and this is where […]
Are your employees seen but not heard?

The nature and scope of employee voice is becoming increasingly complex, with drivers such as technology, new employment models and workforce diversity fundamentally changing the way we work. But are organisations flexing to accommodate these shifts in the way we express our voice in the workplace? This article was co-authored by Louisa Baczor (Research Associate) and […]
Redundancy recovery: how to get back on track

Redundancy is something many of us will have to deal with during our careers, and it's never a nice experience when it does happen – no surprises there. But what may raise a few eyebrows is just how many people would choose to keep news of their redundancy to themselves. Almost half of those who […]
Tackling health and wellbeing: why we created the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Work

Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE is the 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Alliance Manchester Business School, President of the CIPD and Co-Chair of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Work. We asked him to tell us more about why the forum was set up, and what it hopes to achieve. A […]
How to build a business case for your employee engagement programme

The main driving force behind any organisation is its people. The right people analytics programme will help you measure the leadership, vision, happiness and cultural alignment within your organisation. These metrics have in the past been considered as immeasurable and vague. Consequently, the drive to collect data around them is often discounted. Employee engagement technology […]
Beyond quotas: what are the ingredients for true diversity?

Diversity in the workplace is a good thing. It’s amazing to think that there can be so much confusion and controversy over such a seemingly simple statement. The problem begins to appear when we start to define our terms. What do we mean by diversity, how can we measure it, and how does it benefit […]
Managing the pitfalls of meaningful work

Today’s shifting social and economic landscape has encouraged a focus on conscious capitalism and a move away from short-term profits alone to take into account the wider interests of a range of different stakeholders. From the employee perspective has come a renewed interest in creating jobs that are meaningful and full of purpose. It is […]
The business advantages of engaging in corporate social responsibility

The age of the Millennial is upon us, with those who were born between the early 1980s and late ‘90s entering the workforce. Every day, articles are written to help businesses better understand Generation Y and how they like to work. As explained in a video interview with author Simon Sinek, which went viral at […]
Employee engagement at RHP Group

Chloe Marsh is Head of Engagement at RHP Group. Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: Why do you think you appeared on the Great Place to Work Best Workplaces list? What makes you stand out? Chloe Marsh, Head of Engagement, RHP: If I had to pick one thing it’d be our unique culture. We’ve worked hard to create […]
Employer brand: Creating a company your employees feel proud to work for

In Part 1 we looked at the impact that employee engagement can have on your corporate reputation, and that there is either risk or opportunity created to damage or enhance your company brand. We also however need to be mindful that great employee engagement can also serve to support and improve your employer brand, which […]
Engagement and corporate brand reputation: what’s the link?

The reputation you project as a company is today most strongly created and conveyed by your people and their behaviours, rather than your traditional branding, your advertising campaigns or your office premises. The way your leaders and employees interact with all your stakeholders, not just clients and customers, and how they make them feel, will […]
The office choir: can music revolutionise the boardroom?

Tessa Marchington is the Founder of Music in Offices, an organisation which works with some of the UK’s top employers, using music as a means of engaging and motivating their people. Earlier this month, Music in Offices launched the campaign #RevolutionisetheBoardroom, calling on employers to make music and the arts an integral part of the strategy […]
Four leadership rules for the ultimate away day

Are you making the most of your leadership away days? We asked Gordon Rudow, Director of Organisation Engagement and Jeremy Morgan, Partner at Lippincott to give their advice on how to make the most of your development days outside of the office. Boards, executive committees and top leadership teams in virtually every sector and region are […]
How immersive Corporate Social Responsibility can make the (working) world a happier place

A staff survey we ran a few years ago highlighted that among other internal programmes, our staff really wanted to do more for charity. We already have a Charity of the Year programme, whereby the whole team spends time and money supporting a cause local to Milton Keynes – but it was clear from this […]
“Having a company priority focused so heavily on people and engagement is a great privilege”

Taking on a new role is as challenging as it is exciting. In this series we will be talking to HR professionals who are getting to grips with a new job and finding out what attracted them to the role, as well as what their key priorities are for the months ahead. Want to tell us about […]
Taking one for the team: why it’s time to ditch the dogma of individual rewards

For the past ten years, I have been interested in the area surrounding how and why employees at work are rewarded for their results. This has led me to think about the conventional approach of rewards, and how they are at odds with desirable behaviour. More and more, organisations are aiming for teamwork to improve performances […]
2017 trends, extreme talent acquisition and the struggle between HR & marketing

Welcome to 2017, and your latest round up of HR articles and blogs for you to enjoy over your your morning coffee or lunchtime break. Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared in the comments below, or tell us what you've enjoyed reading! Strategy – Is Universal Basic Income the answer to an […]