Employee experience: why teams of the future will be more dolphin and less worker bee

In search of an alternative model of working, we look to nature for inspiration.
How to better engage and support your remote workforce during Covid-19

Keeping employees engaged when working from home.
How to build a more inclusive space for neurodiversity

We need a more empathetic approach if we want to make our workplaces more inclusive.
Five key areas to apply innovative people analytics

What does the future of people analytics look like?
Employee experience: the power of intrinsic human motivation at work

Energising employees isn’t just about bonuses and promotions – it’s about what’s inside.
What does employee engagement look like in these challenging times?

Over the last few weeks we’ve all faced unprecedented challenges and obstacles, being asked to quickly pull together plans to support our people and to support our businesses in these times of uncertainty. We’re all living day-to-day in the operational world, battling one challenge at a time, waiting for the next one to come our […]
Company culture: is yours healthy or toxic?

There are seven pillars that make up company culture – how stable is yours?
The four critical phases of employee experience

How to engage your team on a deeper level.
Three ways to improve employee engagement with your new health and wellbeing strategy

When launching a new health and wellbeing strategy, you need to be proactive in the way you publicise it. After all, your workers won’t be able to access benefits if they don’t know they exist. Drawing upon our recent experience of delivering a new health and wellbeing strategy, we’ve outlined three ways we helped to […]
Employee satisfaction: not all engagement measures are created equal

The annual engagement survey is on its way out – but what will take its place?
High performance: driven by passion, not perks

How can you get the best performance from employees?
Listen and act: how to get employee experience management right

Employee engagement is key to business growth. Here’s how to do it right.
Five talent management trends to watch in 2020

The year ahead for HR professionals.
Five communication tips to give engagement surveys a happy end

Every employee engagement survey tells a story about the organisation.
How to gain budget for your company’s culture and engagement programmes

Data tips to enhance your case for more engagement budget.
Engagement in the gig economy: a classic oxymoron?

If you’d have heard the term ‘gig economy’ a few years ago you’d have conjured up images of lacklustre bands travelling the country in clapped-out vans. Today, the phrase has been coined as a way of describing a workforce characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. We need […]
New Year planning: how to design a successful team offsite day

While preparations for the end of the year are underway, most of us are also thinking ahead to the raft of team offsite days that will be held in early 2020. There’s no rest for the wicked! Offsites should feel very different to regular meetings. Here are a few tips to help you design and […]
Employee engagement during mergers and acquisitions – ignore it at your peril

A unified approach is best when it comes to employee engagement.
Three predictions for HR in 2020

The road ahead for the HR profession in 2020.
Personal development: why your mood is the great game changer

Success at work comes down to the right mindset.