Science fiction and HR: imagining alternative futures


It is more than 200-years since 19-year-old Mary Shelley published her widely acclaimed novel, ‘Frankenstein’– known to some as ‘the first work of science fiction.’ Although it was popular at the time, even Shelley, with her remarkable foresight could not predict how popular her novel, or the genre she was forming, would become. Today, science […]

Why a VUCA business environment can be a positive thing


 A lot has been written about the volatile and complex trading environment today but it’s only as difficult as we make it for ourselves. If we focus instead on collaboration over competition, we could make VUCA a positive thing.  We like an acronym in the business world. VUCA is one that has been doing the […]

Why the human-focused workplace leads to competitive success


In part two of this three-part series on ‘Making HR truly strategic’, Jon Ingham explores how HR transitioned from being a support function of the business to being the key driver of business success. It is an exciting time in HR currently, as so many shifts towards a more human-focused workplace are all taking place at the […]

Is your team suffering from innovation stress?


As more businesses seek to transform and disrupt, the under-explored phenomenon of innovation stress is likely to increase. To mark National Stress Awareness Month 2019, we shine a spotlight on the detrimental impact of pushing employees to innovate without clear guidance. Although others have used the term ‘innovation stress’ before me, it is not a […]

Psychological safety: how supportive teams enable innovation


Companies that embrace psychological safety often focus on the positive effect it has on team cohesion. Whilst that is important, it also allows people with different personality types the chance to share innovative ideas.  Psychological safety has become something of a trendy topic in management, even though there is much confusion about what it actually means and how it might be measured.  […]