Blockchain: what is it and how can it be used in organisations?


With the potential to disrupt and change entire industries, blockchain technology is being hailed as the most revolutionary innovation since the invention of the Internet. What is blockchain? But what is it and how can it transform the industries and organizations we operate in? Blockchain was created to keep track of Bitcoin transactions between strangers […]

How Championship Manager prepared me for working life


The football management game Championship Manager turned 25 last year. Feeling nostalgic, HR professional Paul Carter shares how the best job he ever had prepared him for working life… The original Championship Managers are about to take over the world once again. Our tactical expertise, talent spotting and die-hard commitment to winning have made us […]

Spiritual wellbeing at work: how to do it right


Today, more people are finding inspiration and fulfilment in their jobs by bringing their spirituality into the workplace. The nature and meaning of work are undergoing a profound evolution. And the emergence of spirituality in the workplace points to the desire that there be more to work than just survival. We yearn for work to […]

Creating an environment that unleashes employee creativity


Every business and industry is being transformed. We are all re-imagining every part of what we do, make and sell. In this age of technological disruption, competition is fierce and to succeed it’s essential to create an environment where employees are encouraged and motivated to make their most creative ideas a reality. And quickly. This […]

2018 HR trends: what’s in store for the industry this year?


HR is changing its focus from automation to business impact and engagement, and that is where we are headed in 2018. We saw the growth of HR analytics in 2017, as well as the use of technology to enhance how companies use their employee data. Organisations now have the tools to make a business impact, […]

Seven dos & don’ts for writing an attractive entry-level job description


Official statistics show that one in 10 young people in the UK are not in education, employment or training (Neet), despite overall employment rates hitting a record high. According to a new study by charity Business in the Community, widespread business jargon could be one of the major barriers preventing young people from getting their […]

How the end of jobs could liberate future generations


This article was co-authored by Rohit Talwar and Alexandra Whittington from Fast Future Publishing. Much of the current debate on automation focuses on the demise of existing jobs across great swathes of economic activity. The traditional loss of jobs to automation in manufacturing looks set to accelerate, and the incursion of automation into the service […]

Sorting the Stakeholders: Who is Who in HR Tech


In our 12-part series, Kate Wadia – Managing Director at Phase 3 Consulting – guides the HR professional through how to navigate, succeed and lead with HR tech project-work. From the inception of the business case to the handover into BAU, we’ll follow an indicative project timeframe to explain the way and the why of a project […]

Employee lifecycle: get deeper insight by aligning analytics initiatives


A few weeks ago, I was fortunate to be speaking in front of a room of high-level corporate executives and decision-makers, curious to find out more about the world of HR Analytics. Being a “People Analyst”, I saw an opportunity to gain some interesting data. Before introducing myself, and through a simple show of hands, I […]

This is the year of people analytics! Again…


For the past several years, numerous articles and predictions have promised that this is going to be the breakthrough year for People Analytics (a.k.a., HR Analytics, Talent Analytics), with the assurance of rapid growth, competitive advantage, and value falling from the sky. Has it happened? For many organizations, it’s never lived up to the hype. Keep […]

HR past and future: time-travelling at HR Tech World in Amsterdam


We are all obsessed by the future, but get stuck in the past and can’t move forwards. Our obsession with the future is generally thought to be a pretty good thing, but getting stuck in the past is seen as something to be avoided at all costs. Attending industry events gives us space to notice […]

What does a mindful organisation look like?


Mindfulness may seem like a bit of a fad. There certainly appears to be a mindfulness bandwagon going on, with many more organisations and schools exploring mindful initiatives. So what’s the attraction? And what does mindfulness bring to the workplace? Is it worth the investment? Where mindfulness is no quick fix (it’s a practice, requiring […]

How to speak up about sexual harassment


Following the hundreds of thousands of people that have joined the #MeToo movement, uncovering the magnitude of sexual harassment at work, what should you say or do if you encounter the problem? The first thing to bear in mind is that the sheer volume of people speaking out about the problem means that a new […]

Mindfulness in the workplace – taking a grassroots approach


One of the workplace wellbeing success stories of recent years has been the rise to prominence of mindfulness. A form of meditation that has moved well beyond its Buddhist origins, mindfulness is widely practised all over the world. Much more than a celebrity lifestyle fad, it has been embraced by bastions of the UK establishment. Oxford […]

How to harness the power of critical thinking


While most business leaders are willing to acknowledge publicly that their staff are their most important asset and resource, as we know in practice it’s often something they pay lip service to, preferring instead the comfort of the boardroom, the bottom line and dealing with shareholders. That’s not to say that progress hasn’t been made […]

Get ready for the ‘Day After Tomorrow’!


Peter Hinssen is Chairman & Co-Founder at Nexxworks, a company that helps businesses to look further ahead to their ‘Day After Tomorrow’. In this interview, he argues that organisations need to overcome their fear of radical ideas and risk in order to successfully transition to future thinking. Peter will be presenting a talk, ‘Get ready for the […]

Planning the Project: HR as the Professional PM


In our 12-part series, Kate Wadia – Managing Director at Phase 3 Consulting – guides the HR professional through how to navigate, succeed and lead with HR tech project-work. From the inception of the business case to the handover into BAU, we’ll follow an indicative project timeframe to explain the way and the why of a project […]