HR as the peacemaker: a new role in the future of work?
The future of work is people-focused, and HR needs to be at the centre of this.
How HR as the ‘critical friend’ can combat unconscious bias
Critical thinking is what’s needed to tackle unconscious bias.
Crisis management: seven tips for communicating through challenging times
Seven ways to keep communication flowing during Covid-19.
Women in leadership: why female mentorship matters
Growing the next generation of female leaders takes a concerted effort. What can HR do?
4D leadership: a sustainable way to lead through Covid-19?
A certain type of leadership is required to get us through the troubling times. But is HR ready to adopt this different approach?
How to lead through uncertainty in a virtual world
By adopting five strategies, leaders can help ensure their team’s engagement, performance and wellbeing remains strong.
Change management: how to take your people with you
Leaders must be more transparent when communicating change.
Women are great leaders – the data says so
It’s time to challenge some of the traditional views about women as effective leaders.
Flexible working: how virtual offices are changing the art of leadership
With many businesses making the move to remote working in response to Covid-19, we need to be mindful that people working from home spend far less time with managers, and the geographical distance between employers and staff creates leadership challenges. Building relationships The best relationships are built through regular face-to-face contact, so getting to know employees […]
Corporate socially responsibility: Dr Alan Watkins on HR’s future
Its time for HR leaders to ‘wake up and grow up’, says Dr Alan Watkins.
The Fawcett Society’s Sex and Power Index 2020: Are we making progress on gender equality?
The Fawcett Society’s Sex and Power 2020 Index indicates that progress on gender equality is glacially slow. Where are we going wrong?
Book review: Unleashing Capacity
The future of HR rests with us all, according to Rita Trehan’s latest book.
Personal development: what is ‘good failure’ and how can employers promote it?
In order to be truly innovative, we need to give our people space to fail occasionally.
Look upwards! Why L&D must shift its focus towards building the right learning environment
It’s not just about the learning itself but also the environment in which learning takes place.
Leadership: how to nurture emerging millennial leaders
Businesses need to create working environments that reflect the needs of this workforce.
How can we actively sustain our personal performance at work?
Improve your physical wellbeing to boost your mental ability.
Are your managers failing your business? Or is your business failing your managers?
Managers play a crucial role in translating an organisation’s vision into action.
The role of HR leaders through crisis events
How HR can lead the way in preparing for crisis situations.
Reimagine leadership: a new job for the CEO
Executives who want to thrive must steer their companies toward value beyond profit.
Leadership: how to maintain employee engagement during a time of change
Engagement with the workforce is fundamental to business performance. Everyone knows that, right? We’re in an age where there is a distinct lack of trust of corporations, business leaders, and, of course, politicians. It’s an age where everything is changing, all of the time. Faith and belief are at an all-time low. As leaders, we […]