How to become an inclusive leader who values diversity


The evolution of human consciousness as studied and documented by a great number of people – from historians, to anthropologists, philosophers, mystics, psychologists and neuroscientists – has been found to develop in stages. Organisations, as an expression of the same human consciousness, have evolved over time too and correlate with each stage of consciousness. Gaining […]

How to make it easier for people to speak up


Encouraging people to speak up in organisations is a complex balancing act.  Leaders need a sophisticated understanding of the impact power differences have on what can be spoken and what is heard.  They need to know what will encourage people to put their heads above the parapet – and what will make them feel it […]

Achieving the mindshift to tackle failure demand in HR


Failure demand is everywhere, clogging up your team’s schedule, getting in the way of value-driving activity and impacting user experience whenever your people interact with HR. It’s not people who create failure demand, but the system. To learn how to identify and tackle failure demand, we need to start thinking differently. We need systems thinking. […]

Workforce analytics: how to be a successful people analytics leader


During the last four weeks I have met over 60 workforce analytics leaders in the US and Europe in my pursuit to learn more about and help advance the discipline of workforce analytics. The companies they represent are some of the world’s most well known brands – banks, tech firms and retail companies among many […]

Reimagine business value: the world’s changing expectations of companies


For decades, society was content for business to drive economic growth and wealth creation. People looked to governments to keep their worlds secure, while ‘doing good’ was the job of charities. Companies were free to operate in a bubble of employees, products, customers and profits, as long as they made money for shareholders. Trade brought […]

The five biggest mistakes in employee engagement


Leadership teams often think their employees are engaged, without really understanding if this truly is the case. Here’s how to really understand what’s happening on the ground – and make sure your team is fully engaged.  In our work with cultural transformation, I am fortunate to meet many executive leaders and gain insights into companies, […]

Changing perspective: from employee engagement to employee experience


Employee engagement surveys only tell part of the story when it comes to understanding the needs and motivations of your staff. In order to get the full picture, employee experience is where organisations need to focus their attention.  Over the past 50 plus years, organisations have conducted surveys of their employees to gauge employee satisfaction, […]

Ethics in the workplace: what does an ethical business look like?


In the second article of a nine-part series on ethics in the workplace, Luke Andreski considers the key characteristics of ethical organisations and asks, ‘Is ethics a success factor in modern business?’  It’s worth beginning our discussion with a preliminary question: ‘Are organisations ethical by default?’  The answer to this question is that organisations have […]

Why the human-focused workplace leads to competitive success


In part two of this three-part series on ‘Making HR truly strategic’, Jon Ingham explores how HR transitioned from being a support function of the business to being the key driver of business success. It is an exciting time in HR currently, as so many shifts towards a more human-focused workplace are all taking place at the […]

Are you really awake? Why conscious leaders are key to unlocking wellbeing


Positive wellbeing in the workplace does not come from discounted gym memberships and free fruit. It comes from a healthy working culture spearheaded by conscious leaders who instill good habits and value people’s need to switch off. We’re facing increasing complexity and stress in the modern world of work. Everywhere we’re seeing headlines about increasing […]

Supporting the business isn’t strategic HR – people centricity is


HR practitioners sometimes report being conflicted about whether to align with the business to be more strategic or to better support their people. However, it is actually much more useful to see these poles as a paradox rather than a dilemma. That is, we need to do both – to focus on the business and […]

De-stressing the business: getting managers and workloads in check


Stressful working environments harm employee wellbeing and productivity. To get a handle on this, businesses need to address their management style and how they approach workloads. A recent CIPD study has revealed that poor management and heavy workloads are the biggest causes of workplace stress. These findings will raise some important questions for businesses, but […]

Modern leadership: is neuroscience the solution to toxic leadership?


A toxic work environment is detrimental to workers’ mental health and productivity, so how can you recognise the signs and reform your office culture into a healthy and happy one? It’s all too easy to ignore a toxic culture and dismiss low level grumbling as the unfounded complaints of an insignificant minority. It’s also common […]

The death of hierarchy: why open source leadership is key to business success


A new era of open source leadership has arisen and businesses would be wise to take a leaf from the book of the Silicon Valley technology hub in its approach to humble, transparent leadership that nurtures creativity. The old-fashioned, ‘stick management’ style of management is dead. For decades, companies have been founded upon rigid, hierarchical […]

Behavioural excellence: an essential quality in high performance leaders?


How do certain behavioural qualities set top leaders apart? Charlotte Dennis and Sarah Wall, of leadership development training company, LeadEQ, explore… Technical excellence is a given for all senior leaders, yet when it comes to soft skills many reach a tipping point in their career when they find that they do not have the capabilities […]

Why data will underpin the transformation of modern leadership


Most business processes rely on a certain amount of data to operate efficiently, but increasingly it’s the leadership function that is being transformed by a more data-driven approach – and this can only be a good thing.  Organisations have become hugely data driven around their finances and operations and more recently around their customer processes. Data […]

The problem with modern leadership: diversity, inclusion and the ‘hero’ complex


The world is facing a leadership crisis. We need to radically refocus the way we think about leadership to focus less on the individual and more on collective responsibility. Only a diverse and inclusive approach to leadership can solve the mess we’re in. How many times have you heard someone say, “diversity and inclusion are […]

Three trends gleaned from gender pay gap reporting round two


We’re all aware by now that the second round of gender pay gap reporting has brought disappointing results. But by investigating the data a bit deeper, useful insights have emerged as to how employers can put their best foot forward as we head into the third year of reporting. April 1st marked the second annual […]