Control in times of uncertainty: how can you combat change fatigue?
Organisations are under increasing pressure to be more agile, competitive and customer focused, and a key role of HR is to support them through the process of change. Although change is essential, there is evidence that around 70% of all organisational change initiatives fail. In many cases, failure is exacerbated by employees’ mistrust of changes […]
What makes the Japanese railways so efficient?
It was a Sunday night at a quiet and emptying train station, close to the end of shifts. I was met by a man in an immaculate uniform and as sharp-looking as he would have been at 9am on a Monday morning. He was taking the trouble of speaking with the occasional passengers as they […]
Building a workplace that’s fit for the future
Today’s professionals have a new world of work at their fingertips. Unemployment rates are at an 11-year low, and as an ever-increasing number of opportunities open up, employees are able to consider what they want from their workplace – and find an employer that meets their needs. We recently spoke to workers across the UK, […]
“Use their language, not language from an HR text book.”
Taking on a new role is as challenging as it is exciting. In this series we will be talking to HR professionals who are getting to grips with a new job and finding out what attracted them to the role, as well as what their key priorities are for the months ahead. Want to tell […]
Freelancers, org structures and puppy paternity leave
It's time for your weekly update of news, opinion and research from across the HR industry. Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week too! Performance – Maybe you should just do the job you were hired for (Tim Sackett) – How a good […]
How to build a business case for your employee engagement programme
The main driving force behind any organisation is its people. The right people analytics programme will help you measure the leadership, vision, happiness and cultural alignment within your organisation. These metrics have in the past been considered as immeasurable and vague. Consequently, the drive to collect data around them is often discounted. Employee engagement technology […]
“L&D should consider the needs of all and not just the top five percent that get on the development radar.”
We're always curious to hear how our members and contributors tackle the challenges that the ever-changing world of HR throws at them. We've got a wealth of experience and knowledge across the site, and what better way to showcase the diversity of our community than to get them to walk us through an average day? […]
Book review: Corporate Energy: How to engage and inspire audiences
HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what's available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]
Lessons in management: we asked some senior leaders what their first-time mistakes were
When it comes to pivotal points in your career, being a new manager has to be one of the most challenging. You’re used to being a star performer – that’s why you were promoted – but to succeed as a manager, you need to master an entirely new set of skills. To help new leaders […]
HR dreams, family leave and the need for evidence-based practice
Top of the day to you, and welcome to our latest round up of news, blogs and opinion from across the HR industry. Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week too! Future work – The top jobs in 10 years might not […]
Round-up: pizza woes, EU-protected flings and cocaine-laden roses – three Valentines Day stories for you
Another year, another wave of Valentines Day stories about what percentage of people think office flings are acceptable or not? Yes, although we've tried to avoid them and only bring you some of the fresher stuff. Here are three stories that stood out, for various reasons… 1. "If an employer frustrates your office romance and […]
Seeking a definition of social leadership
What is social leadership? A good question and one that isn’t as easy to answer as you might imagine. For some, social leadership is tied to morality, ethics and the leader’s sense of duty towards society whilst others consider it to be how deftly a person can employ their social and emotional skills to lead […]
Getting ahead at work: social class divide, power and office politics
Why is it that individuals with relatively high social class often dominate the upper ranks of management in offices across the country? A study I recently conducted with Kristin Laurin of the Stanford Graduate School of Business found that class-based inequality in the workplace persists not only because of external factors like bias and “glass […]
Round-up: 7 leadership quotes you won’t have heard before
Welcome to an HRZone round-up! Deftly curated, clearly signposted, we do the hard work to give you bite-sized information on topics relevant to you. Take a look for your reference, click through for more information, and don't forget to come back soon! 1. "Our choices and priorities reflect what and who we value most." –Lolly […]
Twitter chat: How can HR help overcome the biggest challenges in retail?
Retail is one of the most disrupted industries out there – from the move to online shopping to the implications of Brexit and the Living Wage, it's a tough time for leaders and employees alike. Following on from our insightful roundtable on the key trends affecting the retail sector, we broadened out the conversation with […]
Incivility, onboarding lessons and why we should all work less
Are you up to date with the latest developments in HR? Worry not, we've spent the week rounding up our favourite articles and blogs for you to read whenever you get a spare five minutes on the bus or at your desk. Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us […]
Evidence-based agony aunt: “I want to give more responsibility to people. How do I get them to step up?”
Our evidence-based agony aunt, Jan Hills, uses findings from neuroscience and psychology to tell you how to solve your organisational problems in brain-savvy ways, that work with the mind's natural tendecies and not against it. Got a problem you want her to look at it? Drop us a line at We'll get back quickly. Question: […]
If your company isn’t social, then what the heck are you?
It’s 2017. We’re all a little more social than we used to be: 65% of adults now use social networking sites, which is nearly a tenfold jump in the past decade. In that last decade though, social hasn’t just changed us as individuals, but as employers and employees as well. Think about it using an […]
Succession planning, strong leadership and special relationships
Time to take five minutes for yourself and sit yourself down with this week's round up of HR news, opinion and associated tidbits. Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week, and tell us Leadership – How I learnt that employees need a leader, not a friend (Forbes) – Why CEOs should plot their […]
“To maximise one’s potential as an HR practitioner, it is a great asset to have spent some time within an operational unit.”
Taking on a new role is as challenging as it is exciting. In this series we will be talking to HR professionals who are getting to grips with a new job and finding out what attracted them to the role, as well as what their key priorities are for the months ahead. Want to tell […]