News: Mixed response to EC’s watering down of gender quota proposals


The European Commission’s decision to significantly water down plans for legally-binding quotas in order to boost the number of women on company boards has met with a mixed response. The original aim had been to impose strict 40% quotas on both executive and non-executive board positions within public companies.   Under the new proposals, however, […]

Talent Spot: Susie Robinson, DHL’s executive VP of HR for EMEA


Susie Robinson has been with DHL since 1998 but, as the logistics giant has gone through a merger roughly every couple of years, she feels as if she has had to constantly reinvent herself – and the HR department. “Although the business is large, it is still relatively young and changes massively, so trying to […]

Blog: US election – The need for charismatic leaders during times of austerity


“I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting.” My Vision by Barack Obama.   In Chicago last week a rejuvenated and […]

Book Review: Lead with a story


Storytelling is regaining its rightful place as a key leadership skill, especially in relation to employee engagement.  The idea is that a PowerPoint slide presentation, complete with salient bullet points, is much less likely to win over hearts and minds than a good story.    So I was really excited to receive a copy of […]

Blog: CIPD 2012 – Impose company values at your own risk


During a Question & Answer session at the CIPD conference yesterday, Simon Jones tweeted something that caught my eye. Peter Cheese, the recently appointed CIPD CEO, asked a gathering of around a hundred people, ‘How many of you can recite your company values?’ Three people raised their hands. There was some surprise about the low response among the audience, but I’m […]

News: CIPD 2012 – ‘Employers must take more responsibility for skills development’


If the UK is to remain competitive globally, employers must take more responsibility for addressing structural employment and systemic skills issues among the next generation of workers, according to government representatives. Jo Swinson, a Liberal Democrat MP and current minister for employment and Michael Davis, chief executive of the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, […]

Talent Spot: Community blogger, Emma Littmoden


On Emma Littmoden’s road to the top, you’ll find some loo roll, wet wipes and a jockey’s uniform. Before becoming sales and business development partner at leadership development provider The Living Leader, Littmoden had earned her sales spurs selling hygiene products and been one of the top five female amateur jockeys in the country. In […]

Talent Spot: Louise Rooney, head of HR at ServiceSource


As HR manager at IT firm ServiceSource, Louise Rooney has a major recruitment job on her hands. When she first joined, the company’s headcount was about 120, but in less than a year, it had grown to 165 and there are plans to create another 100 posts over the next few months. “Sourcing the right […]

Talking Point: Is low staff turnover for losers?


Who on earth ever said that low attrition rates were the mainstay of business success? Staff turnover levels have been obsessed over for years and are still the cause of many a furrowed brow in meetings on the subject.   Some teams are even trained to worry – far too much – about an issue […]

Blog: Did Man City’s Mancini display emotional intelligence?


When the chips are down, how often do we hear leaders, whether in sport, politics or business, admit responsibility and shoulder the blame? Not that often.   But, last week, following a defeat away to Ajax (which could be the final nail in the Champions League coffin for money-clad Manchester City), Roberto Mancini, did just […]

Five tips for becoming a successful interim


So you’ve decided to take the plunge and work as an interim. When starting out, the three main elements to consider are: Whether to be self-employed (sole trader) or to form a limited company (personal services company). You are likely to find that most agencies expect you to be the latter and in fact this […]

Christina’s Counsel: What can we do to motivate disaffected middle managers?


Hello and welcome to this month’s dilemma:   The challenge   This month, an employer asked for advice on how to motivate a group of middle managers. These managers had provided feedback indicating that they were demotivated due to a lack of control as they felt that the senior management team had all of the […]

The HRZone Interview: Jon Ingham on where HR is going wrong


In the view of Jon Ingham, HR consultant, author and blogger, the current obsession of HR practitioners to be seen as business people first and HR professionals second could seriously backfire. The danger is that, by becoming too much like everyone else in the business, HR will lose sight of what its key focus should […]

In a Nutshell: Five tips to foster a change-friendly culture


A recent study conducted by IT product and services vendor Fujitsu confirmed what many have long suspected: Just over two thirds of the employers questioned believed that they were failing to keep up with the growing pace of change – despite all of the financial risks that such a scenario generates. But what is it […]

HRD Insight: Allianz’s Philip Gennoy on aligning HR and business goals


For Allianz Insurance’s HR director, Philip Gennoy, the key to ensuring that HR strategy and business goals knit tightly together is to keep a close eye on both the day-to-day nitty-gritty as well as the bigger, more long-term picture. The idea is that by breaking strategy down into bite-sized tactical pieces, it becomes possible to […]

News: Mobile commerce joint venture outsources HR


A newly formed mobile commerce joint venture dubbed ‘Project Oscar’ has outsourced its transactional HR activities in a bid to set up a cost-effective HR function quickly. The joint venture between Everything Everywhere, O2 and Vodafone will enable in-store shoppers to purchase goods using their smartphones as an alternative to cash, credit cards or loyalty […]

Blog: Does Boris demonstrate the five fundamentals of leadership? Part 2


The hype surrounding the Boris Johnson shows no sign waning, especially after his attention-grabbing speech at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago. As mentioned in part 1, Johnson is a performer – though, when you look beneath the gags and standard routines, is there something far more complex and substantial […]

What political leaders can teach us about presenting


Not only do HR directors and other senior executives need to be able to present well, but they also have to convince their audience that they are natural born leaders. Whether giving a presentation at an Annual General Meeting, to the entire workforce at a staff away day or to the great and the good […]

How to recognise workplace bullying


Workplace bullying is definitely on the rise, not least because of the ample opportunities for cyber-bullying in our increasingly high tech work environments. The situation is also not helped by the tough economic climate, which tends to have an impact on management behaviour and can lead to increased levels of stress throughout the organisation, not […]