“I hope you get cancer and die.” Stemming rudeness with self-awareness

The customer is always right, right? Wrong. A new survey found a huge increase in violence and abuse towards shopworkers. And incivility is becoming a growing problem everywhere. It seems we all need a refresher on self-awareness. Without it we don’t have the ability to make the right choice.
An AI crossroads: Which path will you choose?

We have reached a crossroads with artificial intelligence. If we choose the easy direction, AI will exacerbate societal ills. If, however, we take the more thoughtful and yet arduous path, AI might well enrich our lives. Quentin Millington navigates.
Political tensions at work: Ten rules for de-escalating conflict

In the lead up to the UK general election, political debate is everywhere and can ignite tension in the workplace. How can we de-escalate conflict (political or not) in the moment?
Here comes the Sun: Boost productivity and wellbeing this summer

Temperatures are (slowly) rising, which impacts productivity and wellbeing. By taking heed of these expert tips, employers can strike a healthy balance between the two.
The de-escalation game: Empowering employees to resolve conflict

Workplace conflict can and does happen. By empowering their employees to resolve their own conflicts, organisations can promote a culture where issues are dealt with without need for escalation. Here’s how.
Are we taking employee wellbeing too far?

With growing concerns about the impact of hybrid working on connection, team management and culture, is the focus on individual wellbeing being prioritised over that of the needs of organisations and customers?
Securing investment in company culture: An eight-step checklist

Investment in organisational culture can offer tangible returns on business longevity. Here’s an eight-step checklist for securing senior buy-in and getting the budget approval you need to enrich your culture.
Return-to-office tribunals: How to avoid the battleground

As UK firms move away from remote working and back to office-based setups, there may be an uptick in tribunal cases as employees push back. What do employers need to be aware of to ensure they remain compliant? Danielle Ayres, Employment Partner from Primas Law, advises.
Are you instigating fear in the workplace?

Many leaders acknowledge that fear is increasingly being seen in the workplace, due to financial concerns, global instability and issues around exclusion, but other leaders may themselves be the instigators of fear.
Dangerous HR liaisons: Threats, knives and throuples

There’s a common misconception that HR’s role is limited to hiring and firing, but there is so much more to it than that. And many of the situations that an HR professional finds themselves dealing with are things that you’d never consider, even in your wildest dreams.
Division of labour: Is AI one cut too far?

Division of labour, in the workplace and beyond, has enhanced productivity and accelerated growth. But, nobody wants to feel like a cog in someone else’s machine. Will AI create more silos and further amplify the negative impacts of division of labour?
CIPD Festival of Work: Driving people with purpose to thrive

The HRZone team is excited for this year’s CIPD Festival of Work on 12-13th June. Its two jam-packed days are set to offer inspiration and guidance from industry experts, alongside enriching networking opportunities and immersive activities – all for free! Will we see you there?
Are employee assistance programmes worth the investment?

Workplace Wellbeing Action Group members share collective opinions, advice and best practice for employers with, or considering buying, an Employee Assistance Programme in 2024.
Upcoming employment law changes: Your need-to-know guide

We are only six months into 2024 and the world of employment law has already seen a number of significant legislative changes take effect. Here are the important changes to employment law that employers need to know.
How to train managers to be better wellbeing leaders

Line managers have a huge impact on the wellbeing of their team. Alongside fit-for-purpose health and wellbeing services and policies, leaders have a role to play in helping employees thrive and be at their most productive. Christine Husbands explores how to achieve this.
How to actually develop a learning culture

The concept has been around for decades but how many organisations are truly learning organisations? By putting learning at the heart of workplace culture we can empower innovation. Here’s how.
Post Office: Was Paula Vennells the unluckiest CEO in the UK?

Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells has done a good job of showing leaders how to dish out a terrible apology, pass blame and NOT take accountability for organisational wrongdoings. In response, we ask three experts to tell us how CEOs should respond to organisational failings.
Self-management part three: Purpose, belonging and culture

In the final part of their series on self-management, Perry Timms and Kirsten Buck examine frameworks where co-created purpose and good governance overarching this have shaped cultures where people feel more liberated, connected and respected.
Tesco CEO pay: What’s the problem?

The recent news of Tesco doubling the remuneration of its chief executive was met in the public square with concern and outrage. The furore underscores how hard it can be to reach agreement when the world we inhabit is complex and our view limited.
SHEIN’s fast fashion frenzy: A wake-up call for HR

The SHEIN scandal should act as a wake-up call for businesses. HR can play a vital role in shifting the narrative from a toxic pressure to overperform to sustainable growth that values both people and profits. Here’s how.