Facing the challenge of business transformation – Societe Generale


Luz Helena Rojas is an elegant, vivacious woman who stepped before the SuccessConnect audience with a bold smile and a joke to open her presentation about how she has implemented a new HRIS to help achieve the key business aim of a global company in an extremely challenging atmosphere and sector: the French bank, Societe […]

Long hours are bad for your health, study reveals


Staff who work more than 11 hours a day are two thirds more likely to suffer heart disease than colleagues working a standard seven to eight hours, research has found. The study undertaken by researchers at University College London tracked the health of 7,095 civil servants aged between 39 and 62 over an 11-year period. […]

Immigration loophole exposed by MPs


Employers could face a crackdown on bringing foreign workers to the UK using intra-company transfer visas, after MPs criticised the UK Border Agency for its current “lack of control” over the system.  The Commons Public Accounts Committee said that checks to the scheme were “much more limited” than in other parts of the immigration system, […]

Gordon Ramsay faces family employment tribunal


The ongoing feud between Gordon Ramsay and his wife’s family has taken a new twist after it emerged that his mother-in-law intends to take him to an employment tribunal.  According to the Daily Mail, Greta Hutcheson’s son Adam and grandson Christopher Luke also plan to join her in suing the celebrity chef for alleged unfair […]

Employment law changes ‘creating uncertainty’


Employers groups have warned that the coalition government’s continued “tinkering” with employment legislation is creating “huge uncertainty” and undermining its goal of encouraging businesses to take on new staff.  The criticism came following the launch of a “modern workplaces” consultation by Business Secretary Vince Cable and Home Secretary Theresa May yesterday, which outlined four key […]

Report reveals engagement more complicated than we thought


The problem with trying to motivate employees and ensure that they remain motivated is that engagement consists of many different facets and is a movable feast, according to a new report.  The research undertaken by Kingston University’s Employee Engagement Consortium Project on behalf of the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development revealed that staff engagement […]

Lord Sugar – good TV but a nightmare coach, says survey


Apprentice boss Lord Alan Sugar has been overwhelmingly voted as the UK’s number one nightmare career coach.  According to a poll of 1,370 managers undertaken by the Institute of Leadership & Management in order to mark the launch of its ‘Perform at Your Peak’ campaign to promote the benefits of professional coaching, just under a […]

US tech giants sued for wage fixing and anti-poaching agreements


A raft of US tech and film giants, including Apple, Google and Pixar, have been sued for anti-competitive behaviour after allegedly undertaking employee wage-fixing and agreeing not to poach each other’s staff.  The move follows a probe by the US Department of Justice last year, which resulted in the firms, which also include Lucasfilm, Intel […]

New guide to help identify stress risks at work


A new guide to help employers assess and manage the workplace risks that could lead employees to suffer mental and physical stress has been published by the British Standards Institution.  The Publicly Available Specification or PAS 1010 ‘Guidance on the management of psychosocial risks in the workplace’ was developed by BSI Standards. But it is […]

Best practice: Transforming the recruitment breakdown in the AA


Lorraine Lopez, HR resourcing manager, explains how the Automobile Association has changed its recruitment processes and what difference this has made to the organisation. The businessThe Automobile Association (the AA) was founded in 1905 and now has around 8,000 employees across the UK, including 3,000 patrols. Every year it attends around 3.5 million breakdowns and […]

Where will you be on 5 May? We’ll be at the ConnectingHR unconference


The 5/5 ConnectingHR Unconference is only a week away and if you haven’t signed up for this event check it out and give it some serious thought. Here’s why. The ConnectingHR community has grown and evolved since the first Unconference in October 2010 where around 70 people got together and shared a special day where […]

Facing up to social media


With an estimated 30 million Facebook and 9 million ‘Tweeters’ in the UK, social networking sites are more popular then ever. However, the potential problems they can cause for businesses mean they are not so popular with employers. How can employers tackle these issues? Amy Pearce, Senior Employment Consultant at Croner discusses some of the […]

Financial Times to offer first non-exec director post grad course


The Financial Times will start offering the UK’s first formally accredited post-graduate qualification for non-executives directors from 1 September this year.  The six-month-long Non-Executive Director Certificate is based on the UK Corporate Governance Code and will be accredited by Edexcel in a bid to support the professionalisation of the sector. Lesley Stephenson, a Financial Times publisher […]

1/3 of unionised workplaces expect a strike over next year


Just over three quarters of employers believe the UK is moving into a new and more unstable era of industrial relations, with a third of those that recognise a union expecting their workers to go on strike over the next 12 months.  According to an online poll among 371 HR practitioners undertaken by the Chartered […]

Latest research gives tips for ERP success


To ensure success when introducing complex ERP systems, organisations must ensure that staff training is differentiated, focuses on changes to working practices and takes place at all stages of the project lifecycle, research has found.  A study undertaken by Dr Stephen Grourlay, a reader in the leadership, HRM and organisation department of Kingston University’s Business […]

Organisations could use social tools to aid ROI and engagement


Enterprise social media and collaboration tools could help employers to obtain a better return on investment from their knowledge workers and improve engagement, a study has found. A survey among 150 managers and knowledge workers undertaken by Forrester Research on behalf of project and portfolio management software provider AtTask revealed that, despite often high levels […]

HP boss wins breathing space over sexual harrassment letter


A letter detailing sexual harassment allegations against former Hewlett-Packard boss Mark Hurd will not be unsealed until September as revealing its contents before he has a chance to plead his case could cause him “irreparable harm”.  The letter, written by celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred on behalf of former HP contractor Jodie Fisher, triggered a chain […]

Coaching ‘vital’ to laid off managers


Coaching can play a “vital” role in helping older managers cope with finding themselves unexpectedly on the job market again after being laid off, research has found.  The two-year study undertaken jointly by academics at the Universities of Surrey and Bath among senior managers aged 49 to 62, who lost their jobs in acrimonious circumstances, […]

Engagement matters – HR and L&D can work together when they get engaged


At the Plateau Insights user conference – which took place in the ancient city of Rome – learning experts took on an age-old issue.   Is the LMS dead? Plateau CEO, Paul Sparta, quizzed the panel of Clive Shepherd, Donald Taylor and Nigel Paine for their expert knowledge. One of the themes they picked up […]

HR at a crossroads: can we collaborate to improve business execution?


Successful organisations need strategic HR people working with IT people to create systems that empower the alignment of workforces through a combination of goals, targets, pay for performance, reviews and effective communication of strategy. That’s the theory anyway. The reality – as exposed by a new study from Cloud Computing firm SuccessFactors and services giant […]