Tesco CEO pay: What’s the problem?

vegetables, fruits, peppers Tesco

The recent news of Tesco doubling the remuneration of its chief executive was met in the public square with concern and outrage. The furore underscores how hard it can be to reach agreement when the world we inhabit is complex and our view limited.

How to close the gender pay gap


The gender pay gap revealed huge inequalities within organisations. Thankfully HR teams are uniquely placed to change cultures from the inside, ensuring women are paid fairly. In April 2017 organisations in the UK with more than 250 employees were required to publish their gender pay gap figures. All but a very small number of organisations declared a pay gap […]

IR35 legislation: what HR teams needs to know


IR35 is coming to the private sector, and from April 2020 will change the face of contracting as we know it. This legislation has the potential to disrupt how contractors are used if firms fail to prepare adequately. Tax legislation IR35 was announced in a slightly different capacity than was expected, with small firms exempt for now, […]

Pay as an engagement tool: time for a rethink?


Salary incentives have historically been used as a way of boosting employee performance, but do increasing economic pressures mean companies need to find alternative ways of engaging staff? The sticky issues of restrained wage growth and talent shortages are not going away. With pay budgets continuing to hover around 2-3%, any form of differentiation based on performance or contribution […]

It’s time to tackle the race pay gap


The gender pay gap received a lot of press coverage in the wake of the BBC salary scandal, but there is another significant group who are also victims of pay inequality and it’s time they were recognised. Over the past year, it feels as though a lot has been said about the gender pay gap. Whether it […]

Closing the gender pay gap: what HR is doing wrong


Many organisations say they want to close the gender pay gap, but rebalancing the scales requires a bigger cultural shift. Brilliant people instinctively try to ‘fix’ problems. To address senior female under-representation and the gender pay gap, executives often focus on ‘getting’ more women. This fix of representation over culture is rapidly becoming part of […]