How to have great new year career conversations

person holding fire cracker shallow focus photography

It’s that time of the year when many look for a fresh career adventure, be that a project, promotion, secondment or a new role outside of your organisation. Dr Helmut Schuster and Dr David Oxley, Co authors of A Career Carol, offer four principles for how to have open, helpful career conversations with your people.

How to create a winning culture at Man Utd

a soccer stadium filled with lots of people

Over the last 11 years, Man Utd football club has seriously underperformed against its peers and its own expectation. As its about to appoint a new manager, Andrew Loveless outlines how the club might finally create a winning culture (and why the same principles apply to organisational culture).

Will you let them fire the doorman?

grayscale photography of concrete building

Human experiences are under threat from our obsessions with efficiency, cost, and, now, AI. As the world becomes lost in these imperatives, HR must step up and work across the boardroom to show how the doorman exists not merely to open doors, but to create value that lasts.

Alcohol abuse in the workplace: Spot the signs and support

a person standing on a road at sunset representing a journey with challenges,

With 17 million working days lost each year in the UK because of alcohol-related sickness, this is an issue that HR needs to be alive to. Alcohol misuse does not discriminate, so having preventive and supportive measures is important for all organisations.

Performance management doesn’t work for 98% of CHROs

man holding incandescent bulb

A recent Gallup survey found only 2% of CHROs strongly agree their performance management systems are effective. Gallup’s suggestions for turning this around do not go far enough though, says Jon Ingham, who advocates for a more human-centric approach.

How culture brainwashes us into mediocre ambitions

a lego figurine holding a large object on a yellow background, brainwashing

In contrast to people living under totalitarian regimes such as China, we in the West are free to make personal and business decisions. But how far are we brainwashed by old norms, new trends, social media algorithms and the values of others? And how does this limit our imaginations, and so what we achieve at work?

Boreout: What it is and how to prevent it

two primates on log looking bored: represent boreout

Peninsula’s Kate Palmer explains the new buzzword ‘boreout’, along with how to spot it, prevent it, and what to do to address it when it is found lurking in your team…

Are we taking employee wellbeing too far?

woman stretching on mountain top during sunrise: are we taking wellbeing too far?

With growing concerns about the impact of hybrid working on connection, team management and culture, is the focus on individual wellbeing being prioritised over that of the needs of organisations and customers?