No break for SME bosses


Three out of five bosses in small-to-medium enterprises plan to remain in daily contact with staff during their summer break this year, a situation fuelled by concern over increasingly complex HR and payroll issues.  According to a poll of 293 owners of small-to-medium businesses undertaken by internet service provider Eclipse Internet, while 73% plan to […]

Leadership Matters: Affair between director and her direct report


This column answers your questions on leadership, talent management, performance improvement  and the employee behavioural issues that can cause even the best leadership techniques to go awry. This time an affair between a director and a person reporting to them is making life awkward. The dilemma My manager (a director) has been having an affair […]

The management world is still turning


In days long ago we recruited people as managers because of their character, as shown by their attitude and achievements. It was at the end of WWII when there was much to be done; the view was that well proven leadership and a good strong character were the qualities most needed for responsible jobs. That […]

Most want end of DRA – but don’t have other plans


While almost two thirds of adults would like to see the default retirement age abolished, few are sure what the right age for quitting work should be and most are failing to plan for the future.  According to a survey undertaken among 1,011 people by Age UK, which was formed out of the merger of […]

Duck! Handling your human capital in a crisis


When a crisis hits, organisations instinctively prioritise their physical assets such as data and premises as they rally to continue ‘business as usual’. But when it comes to planning for the worst, making sure staff are looked after should be just as important, argues Graham Whitehouse, of HR and payroll provider Selima. With volcanic ash, […]

Social media still ‘misunderstood by management’


Even though social media can be useful as an internal tool to encourage staff to network and share information among themselves, management fears over loss of control, reputational damage and legal issues are holding back adoption.  According to a ‘Social Media Survey’ undertaken among 2,600 internal communications professionals from 1,800 organisations by research and training […]

Will World Cup Fever affect performance?


Managers are worried that next month’s World Cup Finals in South Africa will lead to network challenges and a dip in employee performance. A survey by networking firm Blue Coat Systems has found as many as half of the IT managers contacted believe staff should be banned from streaming matches to their desktops in office […]

Training talk but no action leaves business at risk


While employers recognise the importance of training to help them achieve strategic investment, the number taking action fell last year in a move that could put economic recovery at risk, warns a specialist.  According to business lobby group the CBI, nearly two thirds of the 694 organisations questioned for its ‘Ready to grow: business priorities […]

Coping with the ash cloud: a guide for HR


Extreme weather is an issue HR must learn to cope with. With recommendations flying in from all angles, we’ve gathered the top advice to make one digestible guide. With the Icelandic ash cloud making reappearances over the past few weeks, and historic data reminding us that last time the volcano erupted it poured out ash […]

Generation Y – why engaging them is different


We know that Generation Y – people born between 1979 – 1991 – are our leaders of the future, but too many businesses and organisations are still failing to recruit, engage and retain them. A clash in attitudes and outlook between older (the Generation Xs and Baby Boomers) and upcoming generations has created a divide […]

Boost profit with wellbeing and CSR


There is a direct link between employers’ profitability and investing in issues such as the health and wellbeing of staff and ethical corporate behaviour.  These are the findings of research published by Business in the Community (BITC), a membership organisation with the remit of promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). A study undertaken for BITC by Ipsos […]

Is Simon Cowell your dream HR director?


A poll has revealed that Simon Cowell is the ideal HR director, while Lord Alan Sugar is the dream CEO.    The results are part of a nationwide poll which questioned 1,386 members of the British public to find out which well-known names they would most like to see in roles that are typically found […]

The new face of reward – grasp the opportunity


With reward and bonuses hitting headlines, now is the time to reconsider how your reward system works and make it more effective than ever. The recession has brought the issue of bonuses and salaries into sharp focus. Whilst the majority of the attention has been focused on the financial sector and bonuses being given to […]

New government must provide clear plan for business growth


Whatever the outcome of the power talks currently happening to determine who leads the country, the incoming government has just 90 days to prove its business credentials, the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) says. Issuing a 12-point plan for growth, the employers’ group said the next government has to put business at the heart of […]

CMI announces chartered manager of the year finalists


The Chartered Management Institute has selected 11 finalists to compete in this year’s Chartered Manager of the Year competition.  Each candidate is accredited under the CMI’s Chartered Manager scheme and has been chosen by a panel of experts in regional heats. The competition has now been thrown open to the public to vote for their […]

The new succession planning


Self-service is turning traditional succession planning on its head, addressing the aspirations of high performing individuals throughout the organisation and improving business performance.  When it comes to the risk of losing a senior executive, many organisations seek to avoid the potential disruption to business continuity and performance by identifying and grooming potential replacements. However, the […]

UK employees slate ‘negative’ management


1 in 2 UK workers say their organisation has a negative style of management, putting the economic recovery at risk, according to the Chartered Management Institute (CMI). Take the management style test. A new survey of the workforce (5,000 adults surveyed by One Poll) highlights the three most common management styles within UK workplaces as […]

Are you sitting comfortably?


Most employees asked these days would probably answer yes: companies invest hundreds of thousands of pounds in high quality adjustable chairs with ergonomic desks all complying to the latest legislation, so why are muscular skeletal problems still the biggest cause of sickness absence in the UK today and on the rise?   The modern day workstation […]

Active rest and recovery for competitive advantage at work


If you are searching for competitive advantage and sometimes wonder “how do I achieve more?” then part of the answer could well be counter-intuitive. Keith Hatter explains why we should protect our sleep. In both the corporate and sporting arenas, an important part of the recipe for achieving consistent, intense and sustained high performance is […]

Skills gap worst in leadership, management and technical roles


While the UK is suffering from wider skills gaps than ever, it is a particular problem among those in leadership, management and technical roles because investment in training is not being targeted correctly – or simply not being made available at all. A report, which was commissioned by the government and has just been published by […]