Public sector management must improve, say experts


While a number of local authorities are introducing performance-related pay structures across their workforces, it appears that front line management will need to improve if staff are to see the benefits.  According to a report by the Local Government Chronicle, Camden London Borough Council and both Essex and Kent County Councils are among a group […]

Recession leaves managers demanding more work with menaces


The recession has led to a big increase in bullying in the workplace, with the number of cases doubling from a decade ago, according to a new survey. A poll conducted by the union Unison indicated that more than a third of workers experienced bullying in the last six months – twice the figure of […]

We all need improvement plans


Improving performance – only for the struggling? We should all be taking responsibility for our performance, says Jim Constable. Many years ago one of our coaches was working with a sales consultant. He overheard a conversation between the consultant and his client discussing the training of the client’s staff: "Where I work, we’ve been given […]

Performance management: From measurement to alignment and beyond


Angela Baron, OD and Engagement adviser for CIPD explains how performance management has established itself and what role it has in HR’s future. Performance management is not a new concept. The idea of measuring how well individuals perform has been around at least since the third century when the emperors of the Wei dynasty in […]

10 new leader let downs


The so-called ‘new brooms’ in an organisation might bring new blood and enthusiasm, but they don’t always get it right. Sarah Lewis investigates common pitfalls – and how to avoid them.  The pressure on new leaders or senior appointments to make an impact, and quickly, is tremendous. The organisation has spent time and money attracting, […]

HR tip: Bad attitude at work?


These questions are being answered by Learn HR, a market leader in the provision of HR and payroll training and nationally-recognised professional qualifications. Question: One of our employees has a poor attitude to work. He makes mistakes and is frequently critical of management, especially in meetings. He has done nothing seriously wrong, so what can we […]

HR tip: Can we withdraw notice?


We gave a worker his notice, but would now like to continue his employment. Can we take back the notice? Withdrawing notice Because our order book has dried up a bit, we recently gave notice to three of our short-serving employees but we now find that we want to keep one of them after all. […]

Beat stress on National Stress Awareness Day


National Stress Awareness day is a chance for HR to show they care by helping their employees manage their stress. This year why not help your managers spot and deal with stress? Stress has become a major factor in many people's lives as the recession has increased employment and financial worries. It is reported that […]

Ask the expert: Paternity leave starts…now


If a worker is a birthing partner at a prolonged labour, where do the employers stand? Martin Brewer and Esther Smith advise on when and how paternity leave comes into effect.         The question: When a woman goes into labour but does not have the baby until the following day can an […]

When opposites frustrate – don’t give up!


Diversity can bring huge benefits to an organisation, but are you getting the most from it? Matthew Hill gives advice and guidance on managing diverse teams. When the pressure is on within a team, the cracks will begin to show. This is often evidenced by escalating displays of emotion and tension. Sometimes a negative spiral […]

How talent development drives a high-performance culture


A united, high-performance workforce is not just a pipe dream, says Erik Finch, who examines the recommended steps of unified talent development to help achieve this goal.       The pinnacle of any talent development initiative is, or at least should be, the creation of a high-performance culture. All businesses should aspire to this ‘utopia’.   In […]

Caption competition: And the winner is…


City bonuses have dominated the headlines this year, and a recent inquiry by the Equality and Human Rights Commission has pushed the topic into the spotlight once more. It has found that women working in the UK’s financial sector receive around 80% less in performance-related pay than men – a shocking statistic. We have now […]

Achieving value-add performance management


For performance management to add value to an organisation, it must become a part of our day-to-day working lives, says Lisette Howlett, who explains how to inspire high performance in your people.     Few organisations these days do not put time, effort and money into performance management in some form or another, and many operate highly […]

How to celebrate success when there isn’t any


It’s always easy to celebrate the good times, but what happens when the results aren’t so great? Claire Logan outlines some of the options available to reward and recognise in challenging times.     It has been accepted wisdom for many years that the culture of an organisation can affect its performance. Throughout the late 80s […]

Opinion: Let’s undermine HR


John Pope shares his opinion and thoughts on the dangers of senior management undermining HR policies and procedures, to the detriment of employee morale.     Do organisations deliberately try to undermine the basis of HR? I had always thought that they wanted happy, engaged staff who were committed, to a reasonable extent, to the success […]

HR in the future: The impact of technology


Joanne Christie examines how technology will shape the way HR departments operate over the next decade, and exactly what impact technology will have over the years to come. Like it or not, technology is advancing at an unstoppable rate, especially when it comes to information technology. While HR professionals can undoubtedly benefit from new software developments, […]

What is the cost of employee under-performance?


What’s an employee worth? Can we measure it? Dr Nikos Bozionelos explains how to assess performance and what methods to implement to ensure employers recruit ‘high performers’.     Managers need to know both the price and the value of their employees. In fact given the huge financial losses or gains that depend upon employee performance, […]

Ask the expert: Compromise agreements


An employer is managing out some poor-performing employees. However it is proving to be a time-consuming exercise, and would like to offer them a compromise agreement instead. Adam Partington and Esther Smith advise.   The question   We have a situation whereby three managers in the business are failing to deliver in a number of areas. We have […]

Managing performance in a recession


Alyson Pellowe explains how HR professionals can ensure the performance of those employees left behind after a redundancy is managed effectively, and what measures can be put in place to help staff perform well.     So what is performance management? It is actually quite straightforward. It’s about using a range of methods to manage individuals’ work […]

Even thin cats need calories: Making the recession work


The recession is an excellent opportunity to look at the performance of your staff and cut the metaphorical fat by losing those who are not performing to their full potential, says Anton Franckeiss.   What does a recession give you? For company owner, director, manager or employee alike, it will undoubtedly bring stress and anxiety, but – at […]