Reimagine excellence: manage performance to free sustainable value


Shareholder value has a long history as the yardstick of corporate performance. The underlying legal principle dates back to a 100-year-old ruling by the Michigan Supreme Court, in the case of Dodge v Ford. Henry Ford learned that the Dodge brothers, who were investors in Ford Motor Co., planned a rival firm. This prompted Ford […]

Company culture: the single issue at the heart of organisational failure


Almost every organisational failing – from Oxfam to Barings Bank, from Arcadia to Boeing – can be linked to a single issue: toxic company culture. Despite this, most businesses don’t understand how to accurately measure culture, let alone change it. It is now possible to measure the genuine behaviours within a business and establish the leading […]

Managers and workplace culture: a precarious symbiosis


It’s a universally understood concept that managers play a crucial role in workplace culture. As key people to implement policy, ensure team effectiveness and productivity, and promote a mentally healthier working environment, we ask a lot from our organisations’ managers. Asking them to be a leader, change facilitator, disciplinarian, visionary, motivator, HR process implementer, counsellor […]

Performance management: time to ditch the annual appraisal


HR professionals are starting to harness new technology to streamline their processes and improve employee experience. Performance management is an integral part of the role of HR departments, yet current practices often involve laborious annual appraisals – dreaded by all those involved. Performance management processes, like a lot of things in the sector right now, […]

Do we really need to measure the ROI of our people?


The answer to this article’s question, through my experience to date, is no, we need to stop trying to measure the ROI on our people. Through my experience to date in international sales and strategic HR, there has been a considerable amount of human potential, and therefore organisational potential, being left on the table. The […]

Why data will underpin the transformation of modern leadership


Most business processes rely on a certain amount of data to operate efficiently, but increasingly it’s the leadership function that is being transformed by a more data-driven approach – and this can only be a good thing.  Organisations have become hugely data driven around their finances and operations and more recently around their customer processes. Data […]