Company culture: the single issue at the heart of organisational failure


Almost every organisational failing – from Oxfam to Barings Bank, from Arcadia to Boeing – can be linked to a single issue: toxic company culture. Despite this, most businesses don’t understand how to accurately measure culture, let alone change it. It is now possible to measure the genuine behaviours within a business and establish the leading […]

Managers and workplace culture: a precarious symbiosis


It’s a universally understood concept that managers play a crucial role in workplace culture. As key people to implement policy, ensure team effectiveness and productivity, and promote a mentally healthier working environment, we ask a lot from our organisations’ managers. Asking them to be a leader, change facilitator, disciplinarian, visionary, motivator, HR process implementer, counsellor […]

Performance management: time to ditch the annual appraisal


HR professionals are starting to harness new technology to streamline their processes and improve employee experience. Performance management is an integral part of the role of HR departments, yet current practices often involve laborious annual appraisals – dreaded by all those involved. Performance management processes, like a lot of things in the sector right now, […]

Do we really need to measure the ROI of our people?


The answer to this article’s question, through my experience to date, is no, we need to stop trying to measure the ROI on our people. Through my experience to date in international sales and strategic HR, there has been a considerable amount of human potential, and therefore organisational potential, being left on the table. The […]

Why data will underpin the transformation of modern leadership


Most business processes rely on a certain amount of data to operate efficiently, but increasingly it’s the leadership function that is being transformed by a more data-driven approach – and this can only be a good thing.  Organisations have become hugely data driven around their finances and operations and more recently around their customer processes. Data […]

Next-gen performance management: an interview with David Mallon, Bersin by Deloitte


Ahead of the 5th Annual Spring UNLEASH Conference & Expo, we spoke to David Mallon, Chief Analyst at Bersin by Deloitte, about what the future holds for performance management. David will be speaking on this topic in his session ‘Performance Management, Disrupted: An updated look at the evolving state of PM and related technologies’, taking […]

The danger of cognitive biases in the aviation industry


At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. If you’re an academic with a relevant story, please get in touch on We all make decisions every day. Get up now or grab an extra few […]

Rise to the top: how to nurture successful teams


Performance management strategies would benefit from embracing Carol Dweck’s theory: developing a growth mindset that actively encourages talent to learn and improve. Imagine a world in which ‘know-it-alls’ are replaced with ‘learn-it-alls’. Not a bad vision, is it?  As a topic of conversation in the HR world, it’s encouraging to see that ongoing learning is increasingly being […]

Technology to boost team blend and performance


Advances in technology are enabling employers to select teams with a complementary blend of skills, experience and personality – vital when it comes to improving business performance. Research by Gallup shows that highly engaged business units achieve a 10% increase in customer metrics and a 20% increase in sales. But this balance can be difficult to achieve.  A poorly blended […]

Book review: Measure What Matters


HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what’s available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]

Five trends that will steer performance success in 2019


How will HR practitioners looking to stay ahead of the curve evolve their performance management strategy in 2019? Regardless of whether an organisation has five or 5,000 employees, ensuring that these people are engaged and performing well is critically important to overall outcomes. According to Gallup, a staggering 87% of employees around the world are […]

Talent management: 8 ways to reshape your people strategy


Attracting and retaining talent in the current economic climate is being made harder by technological developments and a shortage of skills. But recent research shows how top organisations are rising to the challenge to ensure future commercial success. Across sectors, organisations are encountering unprecedented levels of disruption. Economic uncertainty brought about by Brexit, an unstable trade environment, […]

How to bring customer experience and employee experience closer together


If you take care of the employee experience, your employees will take care of your customer experience.  Some things really do just belong together. Think fish and chips, Mickey and Minnie, Kim and Kanye. There’s plenty of research to show that employee happiness depends not simply on what the company says, but what it does, […]

6 ways to mobilise ‘coasters’ in the workplace


An unhappy workforce leads to poor productivity and high staff turnover. But what if employers could make simple changes to boost the morale of this disaffected group and improve company performance at the same time? In our recently published Why BWell report, we found that 32% of employees in the UK are coasting though their career. While there […]

Why the workplace is an ideal context to practice mindfulness


From Google to Ebay, from KPMG to BT, a growing number of companies have invested in mindfulness training programmes, recognising the potential of mindfulness as a life skill to improve focus and clarity, listening and decision-making skills and perhaps most importantly, overall well-being. And you’ve guessed it, a more resilient, less stressed and anxious workplace is […]

How mindfulness practice has changed my life – a personal story


I have dreadful memories from when I was 4 or 5 and onwards of feeling terribly frightened and anxious about anything and everything. Going to sleep was the worst. Ideally I would have liked to stay at my mother’s side day and night. I didn’t want to go to school because I was feeling scared […]

Strengths-based recruitment: are you hiring people for the wrong jobs?


HR departments across the country are faced with the tricky task of sifting through CVs every day. Employers need someone who loves their job and is going to excel; going above and beyond, in addition to having all the right competences. This is even more important when you consider that staff turnover is costing British businesses across a […]

Productivity: why businesses need to look at more than just output per hour


As productivity in the UK continues to lag, companies need to look at more than just labour output per hour. Over the past decade, productivity in the UK has fallen across the board. Compared to our neighbours across the Channel, the UK has a lot of catching up to do. With the UK’s labour output […]

Appraisals: why employees should assess their manager’s performance


The traditional top-down assessment method is on its way out – today’s workplace needs a more nuanced approach to appraisals. The debate on annual appraisals is ongoing and for good reason; HR and managers are realising the benefit of continuous mutual dialogue throughout the year, and not just once at the end of it. HR […]