UK productivity is at a crossroads

Productivity at crossroads

UK economic inactivity has been making headline news since the pandemic. This life-changing outbreak in 2020 is often pinpointed as a key turning point at which our nation’s productivity problem came sharply into focus, alongside the nation’s declining health.

Performance management doesn’t work for 98% of CHROs

man holding incandescent bulb

A recent Gallup survey found only 2% of CHROs strongly agree their performance management systems are effective. Gallup’s suggestions for turning this around do not go far enough though, says Jon Ingham, who advocates for a more human-centric approach.

The AI workplace revolution: Three focus areas

AI readiness

The AI revolution is here, but organisations are struggling to develop practices to integrate the new technology fully and safely into their business. Natasha Wiebusch, Content Marketing Manager at Brightmine, identifies three priority areas.

Is Lord Alan Sugar right about working from home?

Golden Retriever lying on bed

As the latest series of The Apprentice kicks off, Sir Alan Sugar is making the headlines (again) for his comments about remote workers. His recent statement that he will not be recruiting people who want to work from home will chime with the groundswell of CEOs calling employees back to the office – does he have a point?