Recruitment: how to pick out the one-in-a-million candidates


There’s a special alchemy involved with assembling the right team. Here are the key ingredients for success when recruiting those one-in-a-million candidates.  “You had me at hello.” I wonder how many directors have wanted to say those words when interviewing a star candidate? When that special someone says yes, the c-suite no longer feels so empty. […]

How AI can make the recruitment process more ‘human’


There’s widespread caution among employers and job seekers when it comes to using artificial intelligence (AI) to aid the recruitment process, but AI can actually help us bring a more human touch to recruiting and HR. With fear-mongering headlines predicting an employment apocalypse and the doom-laden warnings of tech luminaries like Elon Musk, you’d be forgiven […]

How to write job descriptions that attract great candidates


Today two-thirds of hiring managers say that attracting quality candidates is their number one recruiting challenge. Here are the top 5 tips to help every recruiter and hiring manager create job ads that deliver quality candidates. 1. Choose a straightforward job title Search algorithms pick up significant keywords, so keep them relevant; weak or meaningless […]

Recruitment: are first impressions unfairly influencing your hiring process?


Studies have shown that interviewers often make up their minds about candidates within the first few minutes of meeting them – sometimes regardless of how well they perform later on in the interview. It seems that first impressions are indeed powerful – but they don’t tell the whole story. Here’s how to assess whether inaccurate […]

Recruit smart: how employee advocacy can attract talent


Talent acquisition is significantly more effective when you engage your employees in advocating for your brand. Employee advocacy is increasingly being adopted by leading brands to meet the growing recruitment challenge in the UK. With concerns over ‘Brexodus’ (the departure of European workers after Brexit), an ageing population and unemployment at a 40-year low, it […]

The Brexit White Paper: what does it mean for immigration and employment?


Find out what the Brexit White Paper means for your business and how to prepare your teams for the impending changes.  The highly anticipated and much delayed Brexit White Paper was finally published by the government this July, over two years since the referendum vote. However, in terms of any concrete details on immigration and employment […]

Recruitment tips: don’t join the war for talent – build your own instead


For too long recruiters have complained of a ‘war for talent’ – but this thinking is wrong. Do your business a favour and look to build an achievement culture instead. You only have to Google ‘companies struggle to find skilled workers‘ to find a string of results showing that an apparent ‘war for talent’ rages […]

Recruitment bias: would you hire the handsome fella first?


Despite good intentions, research has shown that a candidate’s looks can often bias the interview process – sometimes without the interviewer even realising it. So how can HR professionals avoid this situation and ensure their organisation is hiring the best person for the job? In today’s working environment we are increasingly aware of encouraging diversity […]

Find me a job Alexa! Recruitment with cloud-based voice services


Are cloud-based voice services the future of candidate engagement? Voice-based devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home are opening up massive new opportunities for recruitment for corporates, agencies and jobs boards, as well as for candidates themselves. By 2020 it is predicted that the connected home market could be worth almost US$150 billion globally, and […]

Recruitment tips: Three things you should know about hiring generation Z


If you thought generation Z were just mini-millennials, you were wrong. Recruiting from this talent pool requires a different set of tactics altogether.  As the mother of two university students who have been applying for summer jobs and internships, I’ve recently been getting an earful about the recruiting process for entry-level work.  My son Jacob, […]

People management: making way for future employees


Automation and artificial intelligence might be changing how we do business, but it’s people who give businesses their edge. People are your greatest asset. This has been a buzzword in business for decades, but with technology displacing people from jobs and the spotlight increasingly on commodities, many business leaders are likely wondering, how much longer […]

The real-time methods and techniques that will help you win top talent


It’s time for recruiters to embrace programmatic advertising, the automation of advertising, to maximise engagement with new talent. Josbite, Indeed, Monster, Total Jobs, Fish4 – the list of job board sites goes on and on. So for anyone seeking out the next step in their career path, there’s certainly no shortage of places to look. […]

Millennials and boomers – a workplace match made in heaven?


Similarities and differences in generations may be key to economic and business success, says Nick Gold, CEO of Jobsite. Millennials are no longer the new kids on the workplace block. With many now entering their mid-30s, they make up the largest portion of the workforce and hold around 20% of leadership positions. Definitively the generation […]

Coping with a post-truth recruitment era


For as long as CVs dominate the first stages of a hiring exercise, we’ll continue to be in a post-truth recruitment era. If there was ever a single document responsible for misinformation and recruiting missteps, it has to be the CV. Think about it. When you’re recruiting at scale, how do you find the time […]

Talent retention: the vital few and trivial many


Talent retention implies that a company actually knows who their ‘talent’ is. One of the most robust ways of retaining talent is to identify who your ‘vital few’ are, and retain them – something very few executives can do with confidence. Approaching retention according to your vital few is hard and takes resources, but what’s the […]

Can we make hiring great again?


Despite the fact that technology has invaded and simplified almost every single aspect of our life (think of Lyft, Amazon or Google), applying for a job seems to remain the same old boring experience. Candidates scroll down never ending pages of job adverts. They read disembodied company descriptions. They look at lists of random tasks […]