STEM’s long-standing image problem: how can we eliminate it?
STEM and digital skills are essential to the UK, both within technology firms and across virtually all other sectors. We need to address the STEM image problem to get more women into the industry. STEM subjects have longed suffered from an image problem. Many people assume that roles in STEM are highly technical or dull, […]
Developing technology skills in HR: a new framework
What technology skills are needed for HR to succeed in the future? Kate Wadia, Managing Director of Phase3 Consulting, introduces a new competency framework that points HR professionals in the right direction. I was interviewed this week about our current Phase 3 observations of organisational behaviour of building internal teams to support people technologies. A very clued-up […]
HR technology: “It’s almost always a hearts and minds decision.”
We caught up with Dean Forbes, CEO of CoreHR, to discuss the importance of embracing change at work, why HR needs to stop expecting technology to improve culture and how to get senior buy-in for technology implementation. Becky Norman, Deputy Editor, HRZone: The way people are working is rapidly changing. Where is this change coming […]
How to manage the skills gap in a cybersecurity minefield
Cybersecurity skills are in high demand in the UK and across the globe. An increasingly complex security landscape, combined with a challenging threat environment, is putting pressure on organisations to fill the security skills gaps in their workforce. Add to this the additional demands being placed on businesses to cope with changing compliance and regulation requirements, […]
Want to remain competitive? Think about diversity
There are many factors that affect a company’s profit, but diversity may not be the one that springs to mind. Business leaders are seeking out different ways to achieve a diverse and inclusive workforce. It’s fair, it’s the right thing to do and it’s better for company culture. But, there’s strong evidence to suggest that […]
How compliance standards help organisations attract and retain talent
Have you ever considered the role that corporate compliance standards play in attracting new talent, as well as retaining current employees? At first glance, this may seem like an odd question. Compliance programmes are hardly the first thing employees look for when exploring a new job opportunity. After all, isn’t compliance just about following the […]
Talent retention: the vital few and trivial many
Talent retention implies that a company actually knows who their ‘talent’ is. One of the most robust ways of retaining talent is to identify who your ‘vital few’ are, and retain them – something very few executives can do with confidence. Approaching retention according to your vital few is hard and takes resources, but what’s the […]
Talent attraction: four ways to ensure you’re being inclusive
To improve diversity, every organisation needs a fair selection process, in which every applicant has an equal chance to do their best. However, if you want to take a more strategic approach to diversity and inclusion, you’ll need to start way before the selection stage, with talent planning and attraction. Most employers recruit tactically rather […]
Thinking differently: neurodiversity can help companies thrive
Nancy Doyle is a Chartered Psychologist and CEO of Genius Within, a social enterprise that supports neurodiverse people with finding employment and helps companies access this untapped talent. She has recently worked with the BBC to create and deliver the TV series Employable Me 2. Not all great minds think alike. Making neurodiversity part of […]
Winning the hearts and minds of millennials: 3 guiding principles for managers
Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between the early 1980s and the early 2000s. They began entering the workforce more than 15 years ago and are now taking it over. By 2020 they are anticipated to comprise nearly half of employees in developed, western economies. An interesting phenomenon has developed among this group. […]
How can offering quality work experience attract top talent?
David Docherty, CEO of the National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB) and Chairman of Placer, explains how a quality work experience offer can help attract top graduate talent. The Government’s new Industrial Strategy requires a flow of high-quality graduates to power the economy. And, crucially, points to the need to increase opportunity for all […]
Will talent be attracted and retained by a social conscience?
HR departments are facing a dilemma. While the pressure is on to attract and retain top talent, business leaders are unwilling or unable to offer top wages. Companies are increasingly finding it difficult to recruit for job openings. And retainment is also getting harder. Whether this is due to an influx of insecure jobs since […]
Book review: Radical Candor: How to be a Great Boss without Losing your Humanity
HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what’s available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]
Three strategies businesses should adopt to retain talent
More than a third of HR directors have seen employee turnover steadily increase in the last three years according to recent research by recruitment firm Robert Half. The research suggests that despite companies investing time, money and effort into keeping their workforce happy, they are still struggling to retain talent. What do employees value most from […]
Why you need to adopt a more strategic approach to talent acquisition
As UK business continues its transformation into an increasingly digitally led environment, a whole new set of skills and expertise will be vital across all industries. This has meant that in recent years the job market has been tougher than ever. And while the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics’ (ONS) reveal employment […]
Why the built environment sector needs to attract diverse talent
With an ageing workforce and ever-growing competition for skilled labour within the construction industry, the need to attract more talent from diverse backgrounds is greater than ever. As Equalities Manager at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), I passionately believe that the built environment, as well as all business sectors, must put inclusivity at […]
Reskilling for the age of digital work: what do we need from a modern employee?
Virtually every industry is being impacted by the rise in automation and an increased reliance on data analytics. As a result, businesses are being forced to rethink the way they work and turn to new technologies to remain successful. One consequence of this trend is that technology is poised to take the place of humans […]
Case study: Want to find the right people in a skills shortage? Think outside the box
Haven’t you heard? There’s a digital skills shortage out there – so you better start stockpiling developers and IT engineers quickly. We are constantly bombarded by claims to the lack of skilled developers and IT engineers, putting a significant strain on our economy. A report from the Department for Business Innovation & Skills in early […]
Why every business should have home-grown leadership
If all your senior leaders disappeared tomorrow, would your business be prepared? For most resourcing leaders it’s important to know when it’s fitting to recruit externally and when it’s appropriate to dip into your internal talent pool. Finding the right people to grow your organisation is one thing, developing those people to lead that growth […]
Fostering a leadership pipeline: a springboard for long-term success
As we fast progress towards a ‘digital first’ nation, there’s no denying that technical skills are and will be the centre of our professional and personal lives. However, wherever you look, and whoever you talk to, we’re all being told the same thing – we’re facing a major talent shortage. This couldn’t be clearer than […]