News: National Stress Awareness Day – 1 in 3 take “stress day” since recession


A third of the population has called in sick due to stress in their working life, with money, work and relationships the biggest causes of anxiety, according to research published to coincide with National Stress Awareness Day. Nearly half of UK workers have felt more stressed since the onset of the financial crisis, finds the […]

News: BBC to investigate harassment claims after journalist’s suicide


The BBC has appointed a third party to investigate whether complaints about sexual harassment by a journalist who later committed suicide were handled properly. The family of Russell Joslin has accused the broadcaster of failing to act on the complaints of sexual harassment from a female colleague made by the reporter for BBC Coventry and […]

Living Leader Learnings: Do 360 degree feedback systems really work?


The Challenge The HR manager at a software development company asks: “Because feedback is really hard to get, we’re thinking of introducing a 360 degree feedback system into our organisation. In your experience, do people really respond to them honestly and what are the benefits and pitfalls of this kind of system?"   The Solution […]

News: Workmates more important than bosses for job satisfaction


While getting on with the boss certainly helps to keep staff happy at work, it is nowhere near as important as having a good relationship with colleagues, according to research. A survey undertaken among 1,000 UK workers by online recruiters revealed that seven out of 10 see their ‘nine-to-five buddies’ as being most crucial […]

What risk type are you? And why does it matter?


Arguing for the importance of self-awareness, Socrates famously taught that ‘the unexamined life is not worth living’. Arguably, the self-awareness of senior executives and managers determines whether other people’s lives are worth living – and that applies especially to self-awareness about risk type. The distance between an extreme ‘Wary’ risk type and their opposite, the […]

Blog: Reshuffles – A matter of perception?


As Prime Minister David Cameron tackles the first cabinet reshuffle of his tenure he will have to balance the internal needs and objectives of the coalition, while ensuring that the shake-up of ministerial jobs sends out the right signals to the electorate and Conservative party MPs. Although it is highly unlikely that the changes business […]

News: UK staff spend 24 mins bonding daily over a cup of tea


UK employees spend an average of 24 minutes each working day bonding with colleagues by either fetching or sharing a cup of tea with them – and drinking a total of about 46 million mugs of the stuff. According to a survey among 5,000 UK workers conducted by Travelodge, the great British tea break is […]

News: UK workplace relationships hit new lows


Workplace relationships in the UK appear to have plumbed new depths, with large numbers of employees complaining about everything from abuse of power to nepotism and bullying. According to a survey conducted among 1,607 people by Canada Life Group Insurance, a huge 42% said that they had witnessed senior staff members abusing their power.   […]

How to get ahead in HR


HR professionals have been put in the spotlight over the last two years as the function became even more critical during the downturn. Most are now working to execute strategies and make changes across various business functions to come up with innovative solutions to offset business cost pressures.   Throughout the economic crisis, many HR […]

Blog: Lessons from Olympians – How to compete and cooperate at the same time


Recognise This! – The Olympics offer us lessons to apply in the workplace on how to achieve both individual and organisation success. How competitive is your workplace? Is it a good type of competition or one that breeds dissension, disharmony and, ultimately, disengagement?   A recent survey reported by NBC shows 96% of senior managers […]

Blog: The 10 most effective ways to lose your team’s respect


Sometimes the best way to eliminate bad habits in leadership is to see them parodied. So in that spirit, here are the ten quickest ways to ensure your team are demotivated and your leadership is always in question: 1. Always over react, rather than not react   So something has gone wrong and you’re not […]

How to tackle your first 100 days as HR director – Part 1


We live in a rapidly changing world in which the political and economic outlook for the next 12 months is very unclear. In this unstable commercial environment, uncertainty about the future feeds a growing sense of urgency in the here and now.   As a result, judgments are made much more quickly. This means that […]

Blog: Five ego traits to drop if you want to become a better team player


We all claim a positive ego when we admit we have one. When discussing the ego we often refer to a healthy ego, which means having in place healthy boundaries, or a good sense of self, or having a clear identify.    The free dictionary describes the ego as: 1. The Self, especially as distinct […]

Ask the Expert: Can we recruit a leader if a team member is off sick?


The question Is it okay to recruit for a team leader from within a team if a member of the team is off sick? They are not on long-term sick leave, just recovering from an operation. What is the legal position here?     Legal verdict   Esther Smith, partner at Thomas Eggar   As […]

Blog: Punk rock HR – Top 10 HR tips from music


Whilst we were preparing for a leadership event the other week, the media asked me to offer them some punchy (and short of course) punk rock tips for business.   Here’s the ones that got through the press filter on the BBC One News piece with Dolly Parton introducing: BBC NEWS.   And here’s 10 […]

News: Seeking part-time zombies


Looking for: Part-time, temporary zombies.  Skills required: Groaning, shuffling, scaring people, murmuring ‘BRAAAAINS’, seeking/eating brains and battling human survivors.   In what must be one of the first ever job adverts to be targeted directly at the living dead, is seeking ‘bright, responsible, rotting individuals’ to play zombies at its Zombie Manor House in […]

Talent Spot: Michael Doolin, HR director at DHL’s Tradeteam


“I swore blind I wouldn’t end up doing what my father did and, 34 years later, I am,” laughs Michael Doolin, HR director at DHL’s Tradeteam. His father had been a shop steward before moving into industrial relations, which meant that there had been lots of very dull-looking manuals hanging around at home that had […]

Performance psychology in action


A goodly number of businesses and public authorities are now starting to adopt performance psychology techniques as a means of trying to enhance how their employees operate on a day-to-day basis. Performance psychology combines business, sports and positive psychology, with the aim of enabling individuals, teams and groups to flourish and become the best that […]

Blog: Lessons from The Pitch: 9 steps to building a top notch team


How is your pitch being developed? Are you ready for your pitch? This past weekend I became fascinated with the TV show The Pitch on AMC Channel.   The Pitch gives an inside view of advertising agencies. Each week, two agencies compete to win a new client by giving a presentation called the Pitch. It gives a close-up […]

Blog: Steve Jobs and valuing the ‘B’ players


Recognise This! – There are always B players in any organisation who are just as important to your success as A players, if in a different way. During the last few months, one of the top books has been the Steve Jobs autobiography.   It’s a fascinating read and doesn’t hold back on both the […]