Three tips to ensure your social recruitment strategy is effective


Social media has been a game-changer for many hiring companies. Recruitment agents increasingly appear to have lost control of their little black books as professionals after new jobs and companies looking for fresh candidate pools start to make the most of online channels such as LinkedIn, Viadeo, Xing and Twitter.   This week, news also […]

Blog: Debunking 5 employee performance myths


Deciphering the myths of employee performance: Myth 1: A Mission Statement is Enough   Employee performance touches every part of the organisation. However, simply creating a new company vision every three to four years and setting board level objectives of increasing sales or market share is not enough.   Such goals have no relevance to […]

Blog: Punk rock HR – Recruitment


I attended the CIPD HR Software Exhibition the other week, not expecting to be stirred by the experience.    To my surprise I spotted a company that is using software to transform the way companies and individuals organise their career development.   careerpassport offers an innovative approach to recruitment that stands head and shoulders above […]

Talent Spot: Gill Crowther, HR director at Nominet


By the time Gill Crowther, director of HR at Nominet, had finished university, she already knew that she wanted to work in HR.   She had studied engineering, but the fact that she seemed to be very good at getting people to help her with her studies gave her a “moment of revelation” that management […]

Blog: Why it makes sense to upgrade your HR system


There are many good reasons to work in Human Resources. Perhaps you like helping people grow their careers, or it gives you a thrill to capture the latest talent for your firm.   But the one thing you probably didn’t put in your “must have” dream job description was wading through a pile of administrative […]

News: Junior IT technician blamed for RBS debacle


A junior IT technician who was hired after RBS laid off more than 20,000 UK staff and outsourced their work to India was to blame for the bank’s massive computer failure last week, it is being claimed. According to a source at tech website, The Register, the “inexperienced operative” who is understood to be part […]

Blog: How can you make performance management more social?


The workplace today has changed beyond recognition; new technology is continuously bringing efficiencies to our way of working.  However, one thing remains constant – the performance appraisal process. Now, consider Generation Y for a moment, will they be content to wait for their annual or bi-annual review to find out how they’re doing? Probably not!  […]

Ensuring collaboration works


With new and updated HR legislation coming into effect all the time, HR departments need to stay on the ball to remain compliant. Mistakes in this area can have serious consequences and a negative impact in both a regulatory and employee well-being sense.   As a result, it can help if HR executives put their […]

Social Media Guide Part 3: How to use twitter lists and hashtags


Twitter is an invaluable online tool and has become the de facto way of spreading news and disseminating information to people across all walks of life.  It has also become an important gauge by which public opinion is measured and has been used to predict all sorts of results, from stock market ups and downs […]

Talent Spot: Joris Luijke, Atlassian’s vice president of HR


Joris Luijke, vice president of talent and HR at fast-growing Australian software company, Atlassian, has followed in his father’s footsteps by choosing HR as a career. “When I was young, my father tried to convince me not to do HR. So just to annoy him, I went to work in HR!” he laughs. Luijke did […]

Five steps to help staff cope with digital distractions


You’re writing a report when your smartphone rings. Before you’ve had the chance to say hello, another five emails drop into your inbox – all asking you to do something, now.   And on top of that, there are text messages, tweets and instant messages, all waiting for you a response. Sound familiar?   Well, […]

Analysis: A Rypple effect – Spotify goes social


Music subscription service, Spotify, has gone social in a bid to ensure that its workforce around the world can collaborate more effectively. To this end, the firm has rolled out Rypple,’s HR system, which it acquired late last year as a first step into the human capital management applications space.   Johan Persson, Spotify’s […]

News: Three police forces adopt shared HR services for first time


The three police forces of Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire are set to become the first in the UK to share HR services under a collaborative agreement with outsourcing provider, Capita. The shared system called Origin will be provided by Capita’s secure resource solutions business under a contract worth £2.3 million over five years and, over […]

News: Unions call for urgent talks with HP to save UK jobs


Unions have called for urgent talks with high tech supplier HP in a bid to try and safeguard up to 1,600 jobs under threat at its UK operations. HP has confirmed plans to cut 8%, or the equivalent of 27,000 jobs, across the globe by the end of 2014.   But Unite, which has about […]

Analysis: SAP outlines its cloud-based HCM apps strategy


HR has been a core component of SAP’s Business Suite for some time. But, while David Ludlow, its group vice president of HCM solutions, is the first to admit that the functionality has been under-marketed in the past, it seems that is all about to change.   At an event held with the firm’s SuccessFactors’ […]

Blog: Four managerial traits to ensure flexible working works


Earlier this year telecoms giant O2 announced that the vast majority of their employees (88%) were just as productive when working flexibly than when they are present in the workplace. Meanwhile a Stanford University study showed that one travel company noted a 12% rise in productivity when staff worked from home.   The evidence would […]

In a Nutshell: Five suggestions to make your meetings more effective


We all spend a good deal of valuable time in meetings. But while there will always be a need to get together with others to discuss problems, share information, exchange ideas and come to decisions, for many people, the prospect of going to a meeting makes their hearts sink. Studies have shown that 49% of […]

News: Youth locked out of jobs due to employers’ changing needs


The education system’s failure to adapt to employers’ requirements for soft skills rather than technical expertise among entry-level job candidates means that many young people are underequipped for today’s world of work. According to a report from the Work Foundation entitled ‘Lost in Transition’, more than 450,000 under-25 year olds have no experience of sustained […]

In a Nutshell: Five tips when rolling out HR software


In January, Jack Morton Worldwide completed a global roll-out of a new performance management system from SAP’s Software-as-a-Service acquisition, SuccessFactors. The system replaced bespoke applications so the brand experience agency was determined to reapply the lessons learned from its first implementation in order to ensure that its second one went as smoothly as possible. HR […]

Talking Point: Recruitment – The only way is digital?


One of the hottest hiring topics at the moment is the shift from reactive recruitment to talent marketing – a process that has largely been supported by the use of emerging technologies such as video job boards, social media and mobile channels. So, what are these new technologies and how can HR directors make sure […]