The recruitment evolution: five predictions for 2019


How will the recruitment industry evolve as AI and other transformative technologies continue to develop in 2019? Throughout 2018 the recruitment industry has found itself in the midst of a struggle between those who still swear by the traditional tried-and-tested hiring process and the early tech adopters who have started to weave data analytics and AI-based […]

Wearable technology: what’s the impact on workplace wellbeing?


Digital technology is changing how we operate and make decisions every day. In an ‘always connected environment’, we’re seeing apps and wearables playing a more prominent role than ever before. This article was co-authored by Glenn Rankin, CEO of Healthia; Nick Court, Director of The People Experience Hub; and Paul Nash, Head of Clinical Governance at […]

Is our use of technology doing more harm than good?


There’s no denying that technology has many benefits, but are we ignoring the damage that comes from our reliance on digital devices?  It’s 8.30 in the morning and hundreds of people are crossing London Bridge on their journey to work. Around a fifth of them are looking at their mobile phones as they walk – they’re watching […]

How visual communications could transform your business


There is a growing body of evidence that suggests employees respond better to visual forms of communication, such as videos and imagery. Improving the way you communicate with staff could also benefit your business. Employees are faced with a constant barrage of email content both internally and from external customers and suppliers, and this can be pretty overwhelming […]

Beyond the jargon: is HR tech lost in translation?


Reliance on technology and understanding its language can create communication barriers. To offset this, HR professionals need to develop non-technical tactics. We are all too aware of the vitality of the HR technology upon which we rely, with that tech not only vital, but very much alive and changing all the time. As HR leaders we are often just as aware […]

How digital assistants are reimagining employee engagement


Digital assistants have the capacity to transform people’s working lives. But how can this AI-powered technology help improve employee engagement? The general public has become increasingly comfortable with using digital assistants such as Siri, Alexa or Google Assistant – and with good reason. These AI-powered interfaces allow people to interact with their phones, smart speakers or […]

Rise of the chatbots: how technology is transforming HR


Chatbots enable companies to communicate efficiently with their customers and the integration of machine learning is now opening up this technology to HR departments.  Chatbots have become a familiar sight in recent times, particularly on the websites of customer-facing organisations. Visitors to sites in industries such as retail, travel and property are increasingly being greeted by […]

The blockchain effect: why businesses need to prepare employees


Blockchain will soon be disrupting the business world in ways that are difficult to fathom. To prepare for the changes ahead, organisations need to upskill, retool and transform their workforce. But how? How much do you know about blockchain? Perhaps your mind instantly moves to bitcoin, the most widely known of the hundreds of ‘cryptocurrencies’ […]

HR automation: why real-time reporting is about more than accuracy


Removing the margin for human error through automation improves reporting accuracy and enables time for strategic and creative thinking Debenhams will have been dismayed to hit the headlines earlier this year when it emerged that the retailer had been paying almost 12,000 employees less than the minimum wage. Following an investigation, the combination of a £63,000 fine and settlement […]

Workplace trends 2019: Jason Corsello at UNLEASH World Conference & Expo


On day two of UNLEASH World Conference & Expo 2018 Jason Corsello, Managing Partner at Acadian Ventures, outlined the upcoming trends that are reshaping how companies are embracing the future of work. With 15 years’ experience in the HR tech space, Jason Corsello provided a snapshot of what will be emerging and evolving in HR in […]

Workplace technology: is BYOD worth the risk?


BYOD (bring your own device) is a rapidly growing trend in modern workplaces, but there are inherent challenges for employers to overcome to make it work. With today’s consumerisation of IT products, it’s no surprise that potential talent is now gravitating towards organisations permitting the use of personal electronic devices for work. This movement, dubbed […]

How can HR teams remain relevant when millennials rule the workplace?


Intuitive, user-friendly applications pervade almost every aspect of our lives, yet for high numbers of HR professionals, the tech they use in the office often bears little resemblance to what they’re familiar with at home. This means that businesses are not only missing out on engaging the workforce with HR processes, they are also lacking […]

Recruitment: why AI and Big Data alone can’t solve bias


Modern technology is transforming the recruitment process, but can bias ever be completely removed? It seems to be a popular school of thought that the introduction of technology into the recruitment process has allowed bias, both conscious and unconscious, to be completely removed. Whilst the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data, along with […]

The Future of Work: five steps to help you start your journey


Many HR teams that are looking to prepare for the Future of Work have to tackle a number of challenges before they can even take their first step. Here are a few considerations that will help you embark on that journey. It’s 2018. There’s no need to explore how technology has evolved from the days of mainframe […]

Skills gap: how to futureproof your workforce through learning


We don’t know exactly what new jobs will be created in the future, but we do know what skills will be sought after. Offering employees today the opportunity to learn and develop in these skills is paramount to futureproofing your business. Digital transformation is a global megatrend; it comprises a variety of technological forces that […]

HR technology: an interview with Marc Coleman, CEO and Founder of UNLEASH


Ahead of UNLEASH World Conference & Expo 2018, we caught up with Marc Coleman, CEO and Founder of UNLEASH, to find out what’s been happening in the HR tech space over the past year and how HR should be preparing for the future. We spoke with you a year ago ahead of 2017’s HR Tech […]

How AI can make the recruitment process more ‘human’


There’s widespread caution among employers and job seekers when it comes to using artificial intelligence (AI) to aid the recruitment process, but AI can actually help us bring a more human touch to recruiting and HR. With fear-mongering headlines predicting an employment apocalypse and the doom-laden warnings of tech luminaries like Elon Musk, you’d be forgiven […]